The OnClientNodeDragging client-side event is called each time the user moves the mouse while dragging a node. Note: You can use this event to change the mouse cursor so that user knows where they can drag a node, i.e. only over a grid, editor or another TreeView, etc.
The event handler receives parameters:
The TreeView instance that fired the event.
Event arguments with functions:
get_node() retrieves a reference to the clicked on node.
get_htmlElement() retrieves the html element on which the mouse is over.
get_domEvent() retrieves the browser event.
set_cancel()- call this function to specify whether the event should be canceled (true) or not (false).
get_sourceNodes() returns an array of all the nodes being dragged (Useful when MultipleSelect is True).
The example below demonstrates getting the current x and y coordinates of the mouse while the node is being dragged.
<telerik:RadTreeView RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadTreeView1"