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BaseTile Object
The RadTiles expose the following public methods and properties to control their behavior:
Helper Methods
Helper Methods for Finding and Casting objects
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
$telerik.findBaseTile(id, parent) | string, object | RadBaseTile | Finds a RadBaseTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadBaseTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it. |
$telerik.findContentTemplateTile(id, parent) | string, object | RadContentTemplateTile | Finds a RadContentTemplateTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadContentTemplateTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it. |
$telerik.findIconTile(id, parent) | string, object | RadIconTile | Finds a RadIconTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadIconTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it. |
$telerik.findImageAndTextTile(id, parent) | string, object | RadImageAndTextTile | Finds a RadImageAndTextTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadImageAndTextTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it. |
$telerik.findImageTile(id, parent) | string, object | RadImageTile | Finds a RadImageTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadImageTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it. |
$telerik.findLiveTile(id, parent) | string, object | RadLiveTile | Finds a RadLiveTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadLiveTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it. |
$telerik.findTextTile(id, parent) | string, object | RadTextTile | Finds a RadTextTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadTextTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it. |
$telerik.toBaseTile(object) | object | RadBaseTile | Casts an object to a RadBaseTile instance. |
$telerik.toContentTemplateTile(object) | object | RadContentTemplateTile | Casts an object to a RadContentTemplateTile instance. |
$telerik.toIconTile(object) | object | RadIconTile | Casts an object to a RadIconTile instance. |
$telerik.toImageAndTextTile(object) | object | RadImageAndTextTile | Casts an object to a RadImageAndTextTile instance. |
$telerik.toImageTile(object) | object | RadImageTile | Casts an object to a RadImageTile instance. |
$telerik.toLiveTile(object) | object | RadLiveTile | Casts an object to a RadLiveTile instance. |
$telerik.toTextTile(object) | object | RadTextTile | Casts an object to a RadTextTile instance. |
RadBaseTile Common API
RadBaseTile Client-Side Methods that Invoke a Certain Action
Name | Description |
clearPeekHideInterval() | Clears the time interval set by the CloseDelay property of the peek template settings. |
clearPeekShowInterval() | Clears the time interval set by the ShowInterval property of the peek template settings. |
clearShowHideIntervals() | Clears both time interval set by the ShowInterval and CloseDelay properties of the peek template settings. |
hidePeekTemplate() | Hides the peek template. |
showPeekTemplate() | Shows the peek template. |
startPeekHideInterval() | Starts the time interval set by the CloseDelay property of the peek template settings. |
startPeekShowInterval() | Starts the time interval set by the ShowInterval property of the peek template settings. |
toggleSelection() | Toggles the selection state of the tile. |
RadBaseTile Client-Side Property Getters/Setters
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_hidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut() | bool | Returns if the peek template should be hidden on mouse out. | |
get_id() | String | Returns the Id property of a tile. | |
get_name() | String | Returns the Name property of a tile. | |
get_navigateUrl() | String | Gets the URL of the page to navigate to, without posting the page back to the server. | |
get_peekAnimationManager() | object | Returns the PeekAnimationManager responsible for showing / hiding the peek template. | |
get_peekCloseDelay() | Int | Sets the interval after which the peek template is hidden, the interval is in milliseconds. | |
get_peekShowInterval() | Int | Returns the the interval after which the peek template is shown, the interval is in milliseconds. | |
get_selected() | bool | Returns if the tile is selected. | |
get_showPeekTemplateOnMouseOver() | bool | Returns true if the peek template should be shown on mouse over. | |
get_target() | String | Gets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the NavigateUrl property when the control is clicked. | |
get_tileType() | String | Returns the name of the tile type. | |
set_hidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut(value) | bool | Sets if the peek template should be hidden on mouse out. | |
set_name(value) | String | Sets the Name property of a tile. | |
set_navigateUrl(value) | String | Sets the URL of the page to navigate to, without posting the page back to the server. | |
set_peekCloseDelay(value) | Int | Sets the interval after which the peek template is hidden, the interval is in milliseconds. | |
set_peekShowInterval(value) | Int | Sets the interval after which the peek template is shown, the interval is in milliseconds. | |
set_selected(value, triggerEvents) | bool, bool | Sets the selected state of the tile. If the second passed parameter is false the selecting and selected client events are not fired. | |
set_showPeekTemplateOnMouseOver(value) | bool | Sets if the peek template should be shown on mouse over. | |
set_target(value) | String | Sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the NavigateUrl property when the control is clicked. | |
setBadgeImageUrl(imageUrl) | String | Sets the imageUrl property of the tile's badge and updates the image in the bottom right corner of the tile. | |
setBadgePredefinedType(predefindedType) | Int | Sets the predefinedType property of the tile's badge and updates the type of the badge. The Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType enum can be used instead of an integer, where: 0 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.None mode, 1 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Activity mode, 2 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Alert mode, 3 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Attention mode, 4 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Available mode, 5 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Away mode, 6 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Busy mode, 7 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Error mode, 8 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.NewMessage mode, 9 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Paused mode, 10 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Playing mode, 11 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Unavailable mode. | |
setBadgeValue(value) | Int | Sets the value property of the tile's badge and updates the number displayed in the bottom right corner of the tile. | |
setTitleImageUrl(imageUrl) | String | Updates the title image in the bottom left corner of the tile. | |
setTitleText(text) | String | Updates the title text displayed in the bottom left corner of the tile. |
RadBaseTile Client-side Methods for Working With Events
Name | Parameters | Description |
add_clicked() | Function | Adds a handler for the clicked tile client event. |
add_clicking() | Function | Adds a handler for the clicking tile client event. |
add_selected() | Function | Adds a handler for the selected tile client event. |
add_selecting() | Function | Adds a handler for the selecting tile client event. |
remove_clicked() | Function | Removes a handler for the clicked tile client event. |
remove_clicking() | Function | Removes a handler for the clicking tile client event. |
remove_selected() | Function | Removes a handler for the selected tile client event. |
remove_selecting() | Function | Removes a handler for the selecting tile client event. |