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BaseTile Object

The RadTiles expose the following public methods and properties to control their behavior:

Helper Methods

Helper Methods for Finding and Casting objects

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
$telerik.findBaseTile(id, parent)string, objectRadBaseTileFinds a RadBaseTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadBaseTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.findContentTemplateTile(id, parent)string, objectRadContentTemplateTileFinds a RadContentTemplateTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadContentTemplateTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.findIconTile(id, parent)string, objectRadIconTileFinds a RadIconTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadIconTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.findImageAndTextTile(id, parent)string, objectRadImageAndTextTileFinds a RadImageAndTextTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadImageAndTextTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.findImageTile(id, parent)string, objectRadImageTileFinds a RadImageTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadImageTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.findLiveTile(id, parent)string, objectRadLiveTileFinds a RadLiveTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadLiveTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.findTextTile(id, parent)string, objectRadTextTileFinds a RadTextTile instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadTextTile to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.toBaseTile(object)objectRadBaseTileCasts an object to a RadBaseTile instance.
$telerik.toContentTemplateTile(object)objectRadContentTemplateTileCasts an object to a RadContentTemplateTile instance.
$telerik.toIconTile(object)objectRadIconTileCasts an object to a RadIconTile instance.
$telerik.toImageAndTextTile(object)objectRadImageAndTextTileCasts an object to a RadImageAndTextTile instance.
$telerik.toImageTile(object)objectRadImageTileCasts an object to a RadImageTile instance.
$telerik.toLiveTile(object)objectRadLiveTileCasts an object to a RadLiveTile instance.
$telerik.toTextTile(object)objectRadTextTileCasts an object to a RadTextTile instance.

RadBaseTile Common API

RadBaseTile Client-Side Methods that Invoke a Certain Action

clearPeekHideInterval()Clears the time interval set by the CloseDelay property of the peek template settings.
clearPeekShowInterval()Clears the time interval set by the ShowInterval property of the peek template settings.
clearShowHideIntervals()Clears both time interval set by the ShowInterval and CloseDelay properties of the peek template settings.
hidePeekTemplate()Hides the peek template.
showPeekTemplate()Shows the peek template.
startPeekHideInterval()Starts the time interval set by the CloseDelay property of the peek template settings.
startPeekShowInterval()Starts the time interval set by the ShowInterval property of the peek template settings.
toggleSelection()Toggles the selection state of the tile.

RadBaseTile Client-Side Property Getters/Setters

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
get_hidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut()boolReturns if the peek template should be hidden on mouse out.
get_id()StringReturns the Id property of a tile.
get_name()StringReturns the Name property of a tile.
get_navigateUrl()StringGets the URL of the page to navigate to, without posting the page back to the server.
get_peekAnimationManager()objectReturns the PeekAnimationManager responsible for showing / hiding the peek template.
get_peekCloseDelay()IntSets the interval after which the peek template is hidden, the interval is in milliseconds.
get_peekShowInterval()IntReturns the the interval after which the peek template is shown, the interval is in milliseconds.
get_selected()boolReturns if the tile is selected.
get_showPeekTemplateOnMouseOver()boolReturns true if the peek template should be shown on mouse over.
get_target()StringGets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the NavigateUrl property when the control is clicked.
get_tileType()StringReturns the name of the tile type.
set_hidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut(value)boolSets if the peek template should be hidden on mouse out.
set_name(value)StringSets the Name property of a tile.
set_navigateUrl(value)StringSets the URL of the page to navigate to, without posting the page back to the server.
set_peekCloseDelay(value)IntSets the interval after which the peek template is hidden, the interval is in milliseconds.
set_peekShowInterval(value)IntSets the interval after which the peek template is shown, the interval is in milliseconds.
set_selected(value, triggerEvents)bool, boolSets the selected state of the tile. If the second passed parameter is false the selecting and selected client events are not fired.
set_showPeekTemplateOnMouseOver(value)boolSets if the peek template should be shown on mouse over.
set_target(value)StringSets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when the NavigateUrl property when the control is clicked.
setBadgeImageUrl(imageUrl)StringSets the imageUrl property of the tile's badge and updates the image in the bottom right corner of the tile.
setBadgePredefinedType(predefindedType)IntSets the predefinedType property of the tile's badge and updates the type of the badge. The Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType enum can be used instead of an integer, where: 0 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.None mode, 1 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Activity mode, 2 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Alert mode, 3 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Attention mode, 4 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Available mode, 5 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Away mode, 6 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Busy mode, 7 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Error mode, 8 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.NewMessage mode, 9 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Paused mode, 10 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Playing mode, 11 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileBadgeType.Unavailable mode.
setBadgeValue(value)IntSets the value property of the tile's badge and updates the number displayed in the bottom right corner of the tile.
setTitleImageUrl(imageUrl)StringUpdates the title image in the bottom left corner of the tile.
setTitleText(text)StringUpdates the title text displayed in the bottom left corner of the tile.

RadBaseTile Client-side Methods for Working With Events

add_clicked()FunctionAdds a handler for the clicked tile client event.
add_clicking()FunctionAdds a handler for the clicking tile client event.
add_selected()FunctionAdds a handler for the selected tile client event.
add_selecting()FunctionAdds a handler for the selecting tile client event.
remove_clicked()FunctionRemoves a handler for the clicked tile client event.
remove_clicking()FunctionRemoves a handler for the clicking tile client event.
remove_selected()FunctionRemoves a handler for the selected tile client event.
remove_selecting()FunctionRemoves a handler for the selecting tile client event.

See Also