Programmatic Creation
RadTileList can be declared in the mark-up, and it can also be added programmatically from the code-behind.
When doing so, you will need to create:
A new RadTileList object;
A new RadTileGroup object which will contain the Tiles. Note, that you can create any number of Groups within one TileList as long as at least one is present;
Last, but not least - new RadTile objects of any type supported (RadIconTile, RadTextTile, RadImageTile, RadImageAndTextTile). There is no limit on the number of Tiles within one Group.
Creating a RadTileList in the Code-behind
The sample code below illustrates a possible approach to creating and defining the properties of a new RadTileList programmatically. It exhibits both the commonly shared and the tile-specific properties, as described in the Tile Object help article.
When Drag-and-drop is enabled, and/or Data Binding is used, tiles must be created in the
event. This requirement arises from the way client state is loaded for IScriptControls - between the Page_Init and Page_Load events. At this point RadTileList loads the client state of its tiles as they came in from the client and, to apply it correctly, the tiles that were present in its collection when the page was sent to the client must already be recreated by the developer.
//Arrays storing the Tiles' properties
//Sample URLs
string[] urls = {"", "", "", "",
"" };
//Some of the pre-defined Badge Types
TileBadgeType[] badges = { TileBadgeType.Available, TileBadgeType.Alert, TileBadgeType.Attention,
TileBadgeType.Error, TileBadgeType.Paused };
//Sample Target property values
string[] targets = { "_blank", "_top", "_parent", "_self", "_blank" };
//Sample background colors
string[] colors = { "red", "green", "lightblue", "orange", "yellow" };
//Sample pre-defined animations
PeekTemplateAnimation[] animations = {PeekTemplateAnimation.Fade,PeekTemplateAnimation.Resize,
PeekTemplateAnimation.Slide,PeekTemplateAnimation.Fade,PeekTemplateAnimation.Resize };
protected void Page_Init(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
protected void CreateTextTile(TileGroup group, int index)
//Initialize a new TextTile
RadTextTile textTile = new RadTextTile();
//Add TextTile-specific properties
textTile.Text = "Sample Text";
//Add Common Properties
LoadSharedProperties(textTile, index);
//Add tile to the group
protected void CreateIconTile(TileGroup group, int index)
//Initialize a new IconTile
RadIconTile iconTile = new RadIconTile();
//Add IconTile-specific properties
iconTile.ImageUrl = "SampleImage.jpg";
//Add Common Properties
LoadSharedProperties(iconTile, index);
//Add tile to the group
protected void CreateImageTile(TileGroup group, int index)
//Initialize a new ImageTile
RadImageTile imageTile = new RadImageTile();
//Add ImageTile-specific properties
imageTile.ImageUrl = "SampleImage.jpg";
//Add Common Properties
LoadSharedProperties(imageTile, index);
//Add tile to the group
public void CreateTiles()
RadTileList tileList = new RadTileList();
tileList.SelectionMode = TileListSelectionMode.Multiple;
//Create 4 tile groups
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
TileGroup tileGroup = new TileGroup();
//Create different tiles for each group
//TextTile, IconTile, ImageTile
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
if (i == 0) CreateTextTile(tileGroup, j);
else if (i == 1) CreateIconTile(tileGroup, j);
else if (i == 2) CreateImageTile(tileGroup, j);
protected void LoadSharedProperties(RadBaseTile tile, int index)
tile.Name = "Tile" + (index + 1);
//tile.Title.ImageUrl = "SampleImage.jpg";
tile.Title.Text = "Tile Number " + (index + 1);
tile.NavigateUrl = urls[index];
//tile.Badge.Value = index;
//tile.Badge.ImageUrl = "~/SampleImage.jpg";
tile.Badge.PredefinedType = badges[index];
tile.Target = targets[index];
tile.BackColor = Color.FromName(colors[index]);
tile.Selected = (index % 2 != 0);
if (index == 0) tile.Shape = TileShape.Wide;
//PeekTemplate and PeekTemplate Settings
LiteralControl div = new LiteralControl("<div class=\"peekTemplate\">Peek Template" + index + "</div>");
tile.PeekContentContainer.Controls.Add(div); //Add the literal control to the Peek Template Container
tile.PeekTemplateSettings.Animation = animations[index];
tile.PeekTemplateSettings.ShowPeekTemplateOnMouseOver = true;
tile.PeekTemplateSettings.HidePeekTemplateOnMouseOut = true;
tile.PeekTemplateSettings.ShowInterval = 1000; //in ms
tile.PeekTemplateSettings.CloseDelay = 5000; //in ms