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TileList Object

The RadTileList object exposes the following public methods and properties to control its behavior:

Helper Methods

$telerik.findTileList(id, parent)String, objectRadTileListFinds a RadTileList instance. The first passed parameter is the string that contains ID of the RadTileList to find and the second one is the component or element that contains it.
$telerik.toTileList(object)RadTileListCasts an object to a RadTileList instance.

To see how to work dynamically with client-side event handlers examine the Client-side Events Overview help article.

RadTileList Client-Side Methods

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
clearGroupTitles()Clears all group titles.
clearSelection(excludeIndex)IntUnselects all selected tiles except the excludeIndex. The first passed parameter is an integer that contains the index of the tile in the array returned by get_allTiles method.
dataBind()Data binds RadTileList to the current dataSource array, which might be set by the clientDataSourceID, clientDataSource and dataSource properties.
get_allTiles()ArrayReturns Array containing all the tiles in RadTileList.
get_allTilesIndex(tile)RadBaseTileIntReturns the index of a tile (passed as an argument) in the Array returned by the get_allTiles method
get_autoPostBack()boolReturns a value indicating whether a postback to the server will be initiated on tile selection or tile click.
get_clientDataSource()RadClientDataSourceReturns RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound
get_clientDataSourceID()stringReturns the client ID of RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound.
get_dataSource()ArrayReturns the array to which the TileList is data bound.
get_element()DOM objectReturns the TileList's main HTML element.
get_enableDragAndDrop()boolReturns a value indicating whether the drag and drop functionality is enabled.
get_groups()TileGroupCollectionReturns Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroupCollection collection containing all Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroup items in RadTileList.
get_height()StringReturns the height of the RadTileList element.
get_scrollingMode()IntReturns RadTileList scrollbar mode, where: 1 = Auto mode, 2 = None mode, 4 = Native mode, 8 = Accelerate mode.
get_selectedTiles()ArrayReturns Array containing all selected tiles in RadTileList.
get_selectionMode()IntReturns selection mode of RadTileList, where: 1 = None mode, 2 = Single mode, 4 = Multiple mode.
get_tileByAllTilesIndex(index)IntRadBaseTileReturns a tile by the index in the Array returned by the get_allTiles method.
get_tileByName(name)StringRadBaseTileReturns the first tile, which has Name property set equal to the name parameter.
get_tileRows()intReturns the number of tile rows in which the tiles are distributed.
get_width()StringReturns the width of the RadTileList element.
getGroup(index)IntTileGroupRetuns Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroup by provided index in the collecion returned by the get_groups method.
getGroupIndex(group)TileGroupIntReturns group index in the collectoin returned by the get_groups method. Returns -1 if the group is not found.
set_autoPostBack(value)boolSets a value indicating whether a postback will be initiated when a tile is clicked or selected.
set_clientDataSource(value)RadClientDataSourceSets RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound.
set_clientDataSourceID(value)stringSets the client ID of RadClientDataSource object to which the TileList is data bound.
set_dataSource(data)ArraySets the the array to which the TileList is data bound.
set_enableDragAndDrop(value)boolSets a value indicating whether a drag and drop functionality is enabled.
set_groupTitle(group, title)Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileGroup, stringSets the title to the provided group.
set_height(value)String/intSets the height of the RadTileList element.
set_scrollingMode(value)IntSets the RadTileList scrolling mode. TheTelerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode enum can be used instead of an integer, where: 1 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.Auto mode, 2 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.None mode, 4 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.Native mode, 8 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListScrollingMode.Accelerated mode.
set_selectionMode(value)IntSets the selection mode of RadTileList. TheTelerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode enum can be used instead of an integer, where: 1 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode.None mode, 2 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode.Single mode, 4 = Telerik.Web.UI.TileList.TileListSelectionMode.Multiple mode.
set_width(value)String/intSets the width of the RadTileList element.
updateTileGroupsStateUpdates the client state data regarding the visibility and the order of the tiles.

RadTileList Client-Side Methods for attaching/detaching client-side event handlers

add_clientTileContentTemplateDataBound()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileContentTemplateDataBound TileList client event.
add_clientTileCreating()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileCreating TileList client event.
add_clientTileDataBound()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileDataBound TileList client event.
add_clientTileListDataBound()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileListDataBound TileList client event.
add_clientTilePeekTemplateDataBound()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTilePeekTemplateDataBound TileList client event.
add_load()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientLoad TileList client event.
add_tileClicking()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileClicking TileList client event.
add_tileClicked()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileClicked TileList client event.
add_tileDragStart()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientDragStart TileList client event.
add_tileDragging()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientDragging TileList client event.
add_tileDropped()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileDropped TileList client event.
add_tileDropping()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileDropping TileList client event.
add_tileSelecting()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileSelecting TileList client event.
add_tileSelected()FunctionAdds a handler for the OnClientTileSelected TileList client event.
remove_clientTileContentTemplateDataBound()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileContentTemplateDataBound TileList client event.
remove_clientTileCreating()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileCreating TileList client event.
remove_clientTileDataBound()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileDataBound TileList client event.
remove_clientTileListDataBound()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileListDataBound TileList client event.
remove_clientTilePeekTemplateDataBound()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTilePeekTemplateDataBound TileList client event.
remove_load()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientLoad TileList client event.
remove_tileClicking()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileClicking TileList client event.
remove_tileClicked()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileClicked TileList client event.
remove_tileDragStart()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientDragStart TileList client event.
remove_tileDragging()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientDragging TileList client event.
remove_tileDropped()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileDropped TileList client event.
remove_tileDropping()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileDropping TileList client event.
remove_tileSelecting()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileSelecting TileList client event.
remove_tileSelected()FunctionRemoves a handler for the OnClientTileSelected TileList client event.
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