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Month View

The Month View shows all loaded tasks for a RadGantt, distributed in columns, that have duration of one week. Months are displayed as super-headers of those columns.

RadGantt in Month View

MonthViewSettings Object

Table 1 demonstrates the properties that are available within the MonthViewSettings object.

MonthHeaderDateFormatstringGets or sets the month header date format string in MonthView.
RangeEndDateTime?Gets or sets the end date and time of the visible range on the MonthView. The RangeEnd date will not be included within the visible range.
RangeStartDateTime?Gets or sets the start date and time of the visible range on the MonthView.
SelectedDateDateTime?Gets or sets the date and time to which the timeline of the MonthView is scrolled.
SlotWidthUnitGets or sets the slot width in pixels for the MonthView.
TypeTelerik.Web.UI.GanttViewType enumerationGets the type of the View. In this case a MonthView.
UserSelectableboolGets or sets a value indicating whether to render a tab for the MonthView in the view chooser.
WeekHeaderDateFormatstringGets or sets the week header date format string in MonthView.

See Also

In this article
MonthViewSettings ObjectSee Also
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