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This help article illustrates how to data bind the RadDiagram control on the client-side. You can do this in two ways:

Binding RadDiagram Shapes and Connections with RadClientDataSource

You can data bind RadDiagram shapes and connections on the client-side to RadClientDataSource controls (Example 1) since Q1 2015.

This functionality is provided through the following properties:

  • ClientDataSourceID—the server ID of the RadClientDataSource responsible for providing the Shapes data.

  • ConnectionsClientDataSourceID—the server ID of the RadClientDataSource responsible for providing the Connections data.

The shapes and connections data should be in a JSON format with the necessary fields:

  • for Shapes, you need fields with the exact names from The fields of the shape model article. These fields control the type, position and dimensions of the shapes.

  • for Connections, you need fields with the exact names from The fields of the connection model article. These fields associate connections with the shapes.

You can also map shapes and connections field names of the diagram to the field names from the JSON literals through the FieldName and OriginalFieldName properties of the ClientDataSource Model of the RadClientDataSource. More information is available in the Service Configuration help article.

If you want to customize the shapes yourself, you can get the necessary data from the dataItem object and reconfigure the shapes in either of the following ways:

You can find the full list of properties that can be customized in the Shapes API article.

Example 1: Client-side binding of shapes and connections data in RadDiagram through RadClientDataSource controls. The sample uses JSON literals from Example 2.

<telerik:RadClientDataSource ID="ShapesDataSource" runat="server">
			<Select Url="shapes-data.json" DataType="JSON" />
<telerik:RadClientDataSource ID="ConnectionsDataSource" runat="server">
			<Select Url="connections-data.json" DataType="JSON" />
			<telerik:ClientDataSourceModelField FieldName="from" OriginalFieldName="from.shapeId" DataType="String" />
			<telerik:ClientDataSourceModelField FieldName="to" OriginalFieldName="to.shapeId" DataType="String" />
<telerik:RadDiagram ID="RadDiagram1" runat="server" Width="800px" Height="530px" ClientDataSourceID="ShapesDataSource" ConnectionsClientDataSourceID="ConnectionsDataSource">
		<ContentSettings Template="#=dataItem.content.text#" FontSize="16" />

Example 2: Shapes and Connections JSON literals used in Example 1, Example 3 and Example 4.


	"id": "management",
	"content": {
		"align": "center middle",
		"text": "Management",
		"color": "#fff"
	"type": "circle",
	"x": 260,
	"y": 45,
	"width": 120,
	"height": 104,
	"stroke": {
		"width": 1,
		"color": "#808080"
	"fill": {
		"color": "#8db310"
}, {
	"id": "teamlead1",
	"content": {
		"align": "center middle",
		"text": "Team Lead",
		"color": "#fff"
	"type": "circle",
	"x": 155,
	"y": 199,
	"width": 120,
	"height": 104,
	"stroke": {
		"width": 1,
		"color": "#808080"
	"fill": {
		"color": "#f28200"
}, {
	"id": "teamlead2",
	"content": {
		"align": "center middle",
		"text": "Team Lead",
		"color": "#fff"
	"type": "circle",
	"x": 470,
	"y": 199,
	"width": 120,
	"height": 104,
	"stroke": {
		"width": 1,
		"color": "#808080"
	"fill": {
		"color": "#f28200"


	"id" : "gj2Tb1uIvF",
	"from" : {
		"shapeId" : "management",
		"connector" : "Auto"
	"to" : {
		"shapeId" : "teamlead1",
		"connector" : "Auto"
}, {
	"id" : "lqYXdfGvhH",
	"from" : {
		"shapeId" : "management",
		"connector" : "Auto"
	"to" : {
		"shapeId" : "teamlead2",
		"connector" : "Auto"

Example 3: RadDiagram client-side data binding and shapes customization through the OnChange event.The sample uses JSON literals from Example 2.

function OnChange(args) {
	var shape = args.added[0],
		dataItem = shape.dataItem;
		fill: { color: dataItem.fill.color },
		stroke: {
			width: dataItem.stroke.width,
			color: dataItem.stroke.color
		content: {
			color: dataItem.content.color,
			align: dataItem.content.align

Example 4: RadDiagram client-side data binding and shapes customization through a visual template.The sample uses JSON literals from Example 2.

var visualTemplate = function (options) {
	var dataItem = options.dataItem;
	var diagram = kendo.dataviz.diagram;
	var group = new diagram.Group();
	var shapeType;
	if (options.type == "circle") {
		shapeType = new diagram.Circle({
			fill: dataItem.fill,
			width: dataItem.width,
			height: dataItem.height,
			stroke: {
				width: dataItem.stroke.width,
				color: dataItem.stroke.color

	var textBlock1 = new diagram.TextBlock({
		text: dataItem.content.text,
		color: dataItem.content.color,
		fontSize: 16,
		x: 18,
		y: 43
	return group;

See Also