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Import from JSON
You can import the shapes and connections of RadDiagram from a data object in JSON format on the client. This is done in two simple steps (Example 1):
Get a reference to the client-side object of the underlying Kendo UI diagram as described in the Overview help article.
Call the load method of the client-side object of the diagram and pass a JSON object literal with the diagram data as an argument. The JSON object literal uses a specific format that you can check by exporting an already declared diagram in JSON format.
Example 1: Import a diagram from a JSON object literal.
<telerik:RadDiagram ID="RadDiagram1" runat="server">
<ClientEvents OnLoad="onLoad" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLoad(diagram) {
var diagramWidget = diagram.get_kendoWidget();
var json = {
"shapes": [{
"id": "DiagramShape1",
"content": {
"align": "center middle",
"text": "Diagram Shape 1",
"color": "#fff",
"fill": {
"color": "#fff"
"type": "rectangle",
"x": 160,
"y": 125,
"width": 140,
"height": 30,
"connections": []
You can find a live example of the import from JSON functionality in the JSON Import and Export demo.