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In this article you can check how to data bind the shapes in this ASP.NET AJAX Diagram control. RadDiagram can use the standard data sources for binding an ASP.NET control:

  • Declarative ASP.NET data sources (SqlDatasource, ObjectDataSource, LinqDataSource, etc.)

  • Server-side collections that implement the IEnumerable interface.

Similar to setting a data source for an ASP.NET control, you should either use the DataSourceID property when data binding declaratively or DataSource when the data source of the control is set on the server-side (such it the case in Example 1).

The data source should have columns for each of the diagram fields that you want to specify. For example, if you want to pull the width of the shape from the data source, this will require a separate column that contains the widths of each shape.

The columns of the data source are attached to their corresponding data fields in the shapes via the properties with the structure Data[field name]Field in RadDiagram > BindingSettings > ShapeSettings. You can find the full set of properties in the Server-Side API of RadDiagram.

Example 1: Data binding shapes in a diagram to a collection of custom objects.

<telerik:RadDiagram ID="RadDiagram1" runat="server">
		<ShapeSettings DataContentTextField="text" DataIdField="id" DataTypeField="type"
			DataXField="x" DataYField="y" />
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
	if (!IsPostBack)
		RadDiagram1.DataSource = GetShapes();

private IEnumerable GetShapes()
	return new[] {
		new {id="Shape1", text="Shape 1", type="circle", x=100, y=300, width=300, height=100},
		new {id="Shape2", text="Shape 2", type="rectangle", x=200, y=100, width=200, height=200},
		new {id="Shape3", text="Shape 3", type="circle", x=300, y=300, width=300, height=100},
		new {id="Shape4", text="Shape 4", type="rectangle", x=400, y=100, width=200, height=200},
		new {id="Shape5", text="Shape 5", type="circle", x=500, y=300, width=300, height=100}

See Also

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