
Test Studio R3 2020
Release Webinar:

Blazing fast recording experience
and performance optimizations
in automated testing

Join us on Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 I 11:00 am ET

Today's demand for fast-paced app delivery cannot afford to wait for quality to catch up. The stakes are too high for inefficient manual testing to only be brought-down by inefficient automated testing.

With one of the easiest Record & Playback interfaces on the market, updated UX and fully redesigned Test Recorder UI, Test Studio’s third release of 2020 brings unparalleled productivity optimizations that will allow both small and large teams to achieve seamless, high-quality agile CI/CD releases.

Join us for a live Test Studio R3 2020 release webinar on November 11 at 11 am ET | 5 pm CET and be among the first to get a preview of the fully reimagined Test Studio Recorder, along with the latest and greatest in UI automation and codeless testing.

Our most skilled automation experts and product specialists will walk you through the release highlights:

  • Test Studio’s redesigned Recorder—With the updated UX and fully reimagined UI, the Recorder receives sleek design and optimized performance, making it an integral part of the test automation workflow and allowing for easy utilization of all its productivity-boosting features, without taking up unnecessary screen space.

  • Extended support for Telerik UI for Blazor components—While unit and stability testing of Blazor apps have been a top priority in software development, UI testing is gaining momentum. R3 2020 ships feature to facilitate and optimize UI testing of Blazor apps through grid translator enhancements and ready-to-use translators for TextBox, ComboBox, TabStrip, and Window.

  • Codeless automated testing in the browser—Taking full advantage of the updated, easy to use and feature-rich Record & Playback experience is easy with cross-browser support.
What’s more—the Test Studio team has a surprise for those of you who love to work in the dark. Stay tuned!

The Speakers:

Andrew Wieland 
Andy Wieland Solutions Engineer,
Petar Grigorov - Sales Engineer 
Petar Grigorov Sales Engineer,

Andy has worked in the software industry for 12+ years as a sales engineer and consultant, overseeing the implementation of optimization and automation software for thousands of customers. A certified Scrum Master, Agile Project Execution and Product Management coach.

Petar has 15+ years of experience in multiple key roles within software development such as QA, Project Management, Sales and Account Management. He knows the “pains” that the different personas encounter and believes that collaboration as a state of mind can be successfully achieved not only through building soft skills, but with the help of a proper toolset.

Want to Try
Telerik Test Studio for Free?

Test Studio’s blend of codeless and code-based automation capabilities in an intuitive UI enables testing anyone can use regardless of expertise. What's more, our product specialists will make sure to turn your evaluation into success. Download your free 30-day trial today.