Telerik blogs
  • Release

    New control for elegantly picking TimeSpan values on Windows Phone: TimeSpanPicker

    We've received some feedback recently that a control for working with TimeSpan values would be a great addition to the RadControls for Windows Phone suite. Just like the Date- and TimePicker controls that target the DateTime struct, RadTimeSpanPicker implements similar user experience for picking TimeSpan values in Windows Phone applications:   The RadTimeSpanPicker control has an easy-to-use API that allows: Defining selectable value ranges Different formats for the selected value Adjusting the available for selection TimeSpan components in the popup (like whether weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds will be selectable) Using null values Using value steps, i.e. defining different steps (intervals) for the selectable TimeSpan components in...
    August 02, 2012
  • Mobile

    Consuming RadControls for Metro/XAML from C++

    Two weeks ago we released a public BETA of the world’s first commercial library for building Windows 8 Metro applications – Telerik RadControls for Metro. So far we have gathered lots of positive feedback as well as some specific questions regarding our XAML components. Such an interesting question is whether our controls can be used in a C++ application. Prior to WinRT (Windows Runtime), the XAML platform was available to managed developers only and we, at Telerik, have solid technical background with C# and .NET. That’s why we have built our Metro XAML components using C# and the .NET runtime. We performed...
  • Mobile

    Bring the Windows Phone 8 home screen to your apps

    We got inspired by the improved home screen of Windows Phone 8 and decided not to keep you waiting. You can implement the new tile sizes in your app right away using Telerik HubTile for Windows Phone. This functionality will make the home screen experience more personal than ever before and it can be very easily implemented.  Here is a short video of what you can achieve using RadHubTile. This is just out of the box XAML goodness, no tricks: To start using the new tile sizes now, download a free trial of RadControls for Windows Phone and then download the Latest Internal Build from...
  • Mobile

    Getting started with Telerik RadControls for Metro – diving into the Examples Application

    We are proud to announce the first publicly available BETA release of the world’s first commercial toolkit for Windows 8 Metro applications – our RadControls for Metro suite. We have worked hard during the past few months in order to prepare first-class components, designed and built from the ground-up for the Microsoft’s new platform for building immersive applications – the Windows Runtime. As with every Telerik product line, we have also prepared a complete application (QSF – Quick Start Framework) that demos various aspects of our controls and may be used as an entry point for getting familiar with the controls. In...