Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    How to Build a Picture Gallery app for Windows Phone - Part 3

    In this last part of the Picture Gallery blog series, we will discuss how the app handles errors and how RadControls for Windows Phone improved the development experience. In case you missed the previous two posts, they can be found here and here. Handling exceptions No application is complete without proper error handling. To be robust the application should handle the expected exceptions in a meaningful way or crash noisily when an unexpected error occurs. In the Picture Gallery app there are a few situations that should be expected.  The first and most important condition that we need to verify on app startup is whether...
    October 01, 2012
  • Mobile

    Controlling current culture in your XAML Windows Store apps

    When building an application for Windows 8 we find the same known feature for Globalization through the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture and CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture properties, used in many cases where it comes to using culture-specific strings, formatting dates, numbers, etc. And while developing, you might be surprised that, in the common scenario, the current culture does not derive from the OS culture for the current machine. Then, how the current culture is resolved? It turns out that there is a way to get the correct OS UI culture. To understand the process I will start from a blank app and modify it for our needs. Package.appxmanifest default language When...
    September 26, 2012
  • Mobile

    How to Build a Picture Gallery app for Windows Phone - Part 2

    In this second part of the picture gallery blog series we'll discuss how information is being passed between pages and how favorites are persisted to the phone's flash memory. If you haven't read the first part of this blog series, be sure to also check out the first part as well. Passing state When navigating between pages we need a mechanism to tell the new page what it will be visualizing. There are two ways to achieve this. One is to pass information between pages as parts of the query string in the page’s Uri. This is a rather limited approach and in...
    September 20, 2012