Telerik blogs
  • Release

    RadTreeList Visual Studio designer in Q2'11 ASP.NET AJAX

    It is my pleasure to present you the brand new Visual Studio designer for RadTreeList control, which is available in Q2 2011 RadTreeList smart tag First of all RadTreeList provides a convenient access to frequently used properties through its Smart Tag in Visual Studio: The smart tag lets you: Bind the RadTreeList by setting its data source control Enable/disable paging and sorting functionality Enable/disable client side selection Create RadTreeList columns collection Open the advanced editor
    July 06, 2011

    Editing for RadTreeList for ASP.NET AJAX

    It's Q1 2011 release time for the Telerik Personal Productivity product line and we, the guys from the ASP.NET AJAX team are excited to share news of improvement, new functionality and a brand new control added to the arsenal of the Telerik AJAX developer. In this blog post, I want to talk about some major functionality one of the new players in the AJAX control suite now sports - editing for RadTreeList. RadTreeList for ASP.NET AJAX was introduced last quarter (Q3 2010) and enabled hierarchical visualization of a single tabular data set. As a databound tabular control, it is naturally compared to RadGrid, and not only because both look visually alike. As...
    March 16, 2011