Telerik blogs
  • Release

    JustCode 2012 Q2 Service Pack 2 Makes Navigation Even Easier

    JustCode has long been helping developers navigate their code and quickly find Files, Types, Members, and Symbols.  The most recent Service Pack (released 12-September 2012) has made it even easier!  Go To File (Ctl-Alt-G) Camel Case Searching Entering capital letters (or a combination of capital letters and lowercase letters) into the search box will filter the files accordingly.  For example, I know that I have two BDD concerns that test logging in, both starting with “When_Logging_In”.  By Typing “WLI”, the Go To File dialog filters down to the files that have the capital letters W,L,I in their name (in order).  The result is...
    September 27, 2012
  • Productivity

    Why SOLID Matters

    One of the biggest struggles that developers have with adopting Unit Testing, whether it’s Test Driven Development (TDD), Behavior Driven Development (BDD) or even just Test Eventual Development (TED), is the difficulty some code is to test.  This is typically when code doesn’t follow the SOLID design principles. If you aren’t familiar with Robert C. Martin’s SOLID Principles, here is a quick summary. There are five SOLID principles put forth by Robert (Uncle Bob) C. Martin. Single Responsibility Principle A class should have one, and only one, reason to change Did you ever have a Swiss Army knife?  64 features, but you could never...
    September 25, 2012

    Migrating OnClientClick handlers from ASP button to Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Button

    Let’s start with some background – a common need is for a button to execute some JavaScript code in order to create a more responsive page. With the standard ASP:Button the OnClientClick is used to specify this execution statement. Take the following simple example: <script type="text/javascript">     function ButtonClick(button) {         alert("The Button with ID " + + " was clicked.");     } </script> <asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="Regular Button" OnClientClick="ButtonClick(this); return false;" runat="server" />   What you can see here is a function called with parentheses, an argument provided to the function and the return false; statement that prevents the postback. The case with Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Button is slightly different, however. It follows the convention all other Telerik ASP.NET AJAX...
    August 10, 2012
  • Productivity

    [Free eBook] Top 30 Agile Myths – True or False?

    In the 11 years since the Agile Manifesto was created, the adoption of agile concepts has continued to grow. The number of agile user groups, conferences, and books is a strong indication that more and more people are at least exploring the idea, if not working to improve their adoption and execution. This growth has been so significant that Gartner has declared that “agile is now mainstream”. Along with this growth in adoption and exploration of agile, the number of myths surrounding agile has grown as well. To help us go deeper and get a better understanding of the principles...
    August 08, 2012
  • Release

    Load on Demand and Drill Down, Two New Features to Make Your ASP.NET AJAX OrgChart More Interactive

    The organizational chart is one of the newest controls in Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX suite and because of this we know how important it is not only to improve existing functionalities but to add new ones regularly. With Q2 2012 Telerik’s ASP.NET OrgChart control features’ collection was extended once again. I am happy to announce that two major capabilities were introduced which significantly improve the OrgChart’s performance and usability. Load on Demand Drill Down Load on Demand With Q1 2012 Node and Group collapsing came out. Load on demand continues the sequence in a logical way. Keeping the idea of different type of collapsing (Nodes/Groups), the...