The R3 2021 release for Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core is here and brings so much new UI goodness! Four new UI components: OrgChart, Captcha, Heatmap and Popover; new Admin dashboard project template and demo application using Razor Pages and TAG helpers; Design kits for Figma, Compatibility with .NET 6 Release Candidate 1 and more!
In R3 2021, we’ve introduced 50+ new components across all .NET and JavaScript products, the only Blazor UI Library with 85+ components, growing MAUI and WinUI suites, .NET 6 latest preview support, Design Kits for Figma and more. Learn about all the new goodies in our latest release.
The Telerik R2 2021 release for UI for ASP.NET Core brings sleek and feature-rich Task Board, Circular Gauge, Action Sheet and Skeleton components, plus new Grid, Editor features, Linux Installer, compatibility with .NET 6 latest preview and much more.
PDF files are part of everyday life. Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core has made it even easier to edit PDF files right within your browser. Let’s take a look at how to add text, images, even a brush for signatures.
The Telerik R1 2021 release includes five new UI for ASP.NET Core components like the Floating Action Button, Bottom Navigation, Expansion Panel, Radio Group, Checkbox Group plus new Grid, ListView, TileLayout and Editor features, brand new Visual Studio Code Wizard and many more! Read ahead and see what’s new in Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R1 2021!