Telerik blogs
  • Web

    Populating Silverlight TreeView from WCF Service with LINQ to SQL

    In this example I will show you how to populate a RadTreeView using LINQ and WCF. Also you will see how to transform a flat data into a hierarchical one. The target result is: 1. Create a new Silverlight Web Application Project NOTE: Make sure you choose "Web Application Project" After the project loads you can see that besides the regular Silverlight application, Visual Studio adds a Web application that will host the .xap file.   Before writing any LINQ or creating any WCF service, we need a database to target. 2. Right-click on RadTreeViewWithWCFWeb project and add a new item - "SQL Server Database". You can give the...
    August 27, 2008
  • Web

    Editing Slider's ControlTemplate in Expression Blend

    In this tutorial I will show you how to edit the ControlTemplate of one of our controls – the slider. Before you begin you need to cover the prerequisites bellow. You have to download the Telerik Controls for Silverlight as well as the project that contains all the controls and their ControlTemplates. Telerik Controls for Silverlight Project with all the ControlTemplates – this project is created in such way that allows you easily to edit the control templates. This means that all the control templates are copied in the resources of each Silverlight page. If you are missing any of...
    August 22, 2008
  • Web

    How To: Color Picker done with few slider controls

    This tutorial demonstrates how to create a color picker using nothing more than few elements and Telerik's slider control for Silverlight. To start off, create a new Silverlight project. It is up to you to decide whether you want a web page in the project or not. This particular example does not to include a web page, but a simple html page that is generated dynamically. Once you have the project created go ahead and add a reference to the Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll. At the top of your main UserControl, add a namespace in order to use the dll. Check if everything...
    August 06, 2008
  • Web

    Using ValueConverter to edit Slider's TickTemplate

    RadSlider for Silverlight has a neat functionality that allows you to display tick marks along the track. But what if you are not pleased with the current design of the ticks? Of course you can completely change the look of a tick mark. Let’s say that instead of bluish rectangles, you want your ticks to be ellipses, or triangles maybe. This is easily achieved by setting the TickTemplate property. <telerik:RadSlider TickPlacement="BottomRight" TickFrequency="1" Maximum="10">       <telerik:RadSlider.TickTemplate>             <DataTemplate>                   <Grid>                        ...
  • Web

    Adding Mouse Wheel support in Silverlight. The easy way.

    One of the best uses of our Routed Event extension is implementing missing system events in Silverlight, such as MouseWheel and RightButtonUp/Down. The API we provide is the same as WPF, so when Silverlight eventually gets support for those events, most probably you will not have to change much. Other good thing is that you do not need to write any JavaScript, or to know what's going on beneath. The bad thing is that you will have to enable the windowless mode of the Silverlight plug-in, which will slightly decrease the performance of your application. To attach a Routed Event handler for the MouseWheel event on a...