Telerik blogs
  • Web

    Optimizing the load size of Telerik Silverlight controls

    Following the expansion of our Silverlight suite (more than 15 controls coming out next week) and the feedback we’ve got from the community, we are now in a process of optimizing the size of the assemblies. Instead of including all our controls into one big assembly, we decided to group them into several smaller ones. This will reduce the size of the XAP file when you are not using all the controls in the suite. We came up with the following list of assemblies: Telerik.Windows.UI.dll Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll Telerik.Windows.Controls.Input.dll Telerik.Windows.Controls.Web.dll Apart from this list there will be assemblies that hold the themes of the controls - e.g. separate assemblies for the Telerik, Vista and Default themes.   I...
  • Release

    RadControls for Silverlight and WPF

    My colleague Hristo Deshev just announced the availability of Telerik RadControls for WPF Beta2. This is a very important release not only because it brings so many new features and controls for WPF, but because this is our first release that includes the Silverlight and WPF controls under a single distributable. For this first release we ported just a few Silverlight controls for WPF (namely TreeView, PanelBar, Calendar, DatePicker, Slider, ProgressBar and NumericUpDown), but in the long run almost all Silverlight controls that are applicable in a desktop scenario will be included in the WPF suite. What does this mean to you as a developer? Why is this...
  • People

    Telerik sponsors the Silverlight Control Builder Contest 2008

    Silverlight platform is getting more mature, the adoption rate is constantly raising and at the same time Page Brooks and Dave Campbell, together with some of the Silverlight community leaders and Microsoft MVPs have started a control builder contest. Check out the contest website to see the rules, prizes and how to register - As we are deeply involved with the Silverlight platform and community, we decided to make our contribution to the contest by giving our most valued license control bundle to all the winners!!! The bundle includes "ASP.NET AJAX + WinForms + Telerik Reporting" controls. The license will also automatically give you the Silverlight controls once they are officially released (which will happen till the end of this summer). The first place winner will also...
  • Web

    Increasing the compression ratio of the XAP files

    Today I was hacking around with a Silverlight application and decided to check if it is possible to recompress its XAP file in order to save some bytes. As you might already know, the XAP files are just renamed ZIP files and you can open and view their contents with almost any archiver. I created a simple batch file that extracts an archive to a temp folder, deletes it and then compresses the extracted files into a new archive with the same name as the original (I am using the open source archiver 7-Zip, which was installed in its default location): @if...
  • Web

    History Enabled Script Manager and Silverlight

    A.k.a Deep Linking in Silverlight Undoubtedly Silverlight offers a myriad of useful features that can enhance the user and development experience – Binding, Multithreading, Layout System, Animations to name a few. But the fact that it is in essence a browser plug-in leads to certain limitations or “hurdles” for the user experience. Deep Linking? Why? One such thing is the lack of Deep Linking, i.e. the browser’s address bar contains the starting page for the application but any change in its state is not reflected in the address. Some people argue that there is difference between Web Applications and Web Pages and while the...
    April 30, 2008