We recently extended the ImageEditor Crop Toolbar feature, and added the ability to Save the current edited image. Now you can use pre-defined aspect ratios and crop geometries while applying the crop feature to an image or create a custom one.
We introduce new features in the Calendar & Scheduling component from the R3 2019 release of Telerik UI for Xamarin. These include Appointment Templates, special and restricted time slots support as well as view-scrolling capabilities.
We recently added new features like Double-Tapped Command and Read-On-Demand mode, plus performance improvements, in the PdfViewer control for Telerik UI for Xamarin. Check out what's new and what's coming next.
While it might seem like the least of your worries in the scheme of things, the login screen is the gateway to your mobile app and needs to be designed with care. As you design your next mobile app, keep these best practices in mind.