Telerik blogs

    Shipped Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC Q2 2010 Beta

    We just shipped the beta of the Q2 2010 release. Download instructions for the beta can be found in the announcement forum thread. Why a beta when other Telerik products had their betas a month ago? We decided to postpone the official release of Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC so we can deliver … three five new components! The official release would ship later this summer. New Components Telerik Editor for ASP.NET MVC In its first release the editor will contain only the most necessary text editing tools. We aim to keep it small thus more complex tools (image manager, table wizard etc)...
  • Release

    The Q2 2010 release for Telerik ASP.NET AJAX and MVC is here

    The Q2 2010 official bits of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC BETA has just dropped under the 'Downloads' section of the Telerik registered users accounts. Share the joy and spread the word
  • Release

    Q1 2010 SP2 releases for Telerik ASP.NET AJAX and MVC product lines

    The time has come to publish the second service packs releases for our ASP.NET AJAX and MVC suites. These are mainly stabilization releases with a set of fixes and a few enhancements that made it for the Q1 2010 SP2 launch. The details are available in the referenced resources below:   RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Release notes Demos Online documentation
  • Release

    Service Pack 2 for Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC released

    We just pushed the second service pack out of the door. Again it is mostly a maintenance release addressing the reported issues. Keep in mind though that the service pack is available only to customers who own a commercial license. The open source version (and codeplex project) will get updated only on major releases. Still should you discover a critical bug write in the forums. We will most likely attach a binary-only version there.   What’s new The regular bunch of fixes – the complete list can be found in the release notes for service pack 2 page. We also improved the grid editing examples quite...
  • Release

    Service Pack 1 for Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC just released

    We just released the first service pack for the Q1 2010 release of Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC. As you may have guessed this is mostly a maintenance release addressing all reported bug fixes. It is important to note that the service pack will be available only to licensed users. We will update the open source version only for major releases. However if a critical bug has been found we will publish builds in the forum so no worries.   What’s new Everything is described in the release notes. There are a few breaking changes – in the TreeView and Grid. Check here to...
    April 16, 2010