Telerik blogs
  • Web

    RadControls for Silverlight 2 - Drag and Drop Basics

    Who would not like to implement a sleek drag and drop in minutes? I definitely would. This is why I find the new RadDragAndDrop a welcome addition to the controls. Straight to the point then: How to implement a simple drag/drop? To answer this question I will walk you through the DragDrop example that is available here: This example shows that the DragDrop can be used with any controls/objects, not just the Telerik RadControls. DragDrop 101 Few simple things to remember: Every object that will be dragged must have AllowDrag property to true, it is an attached property and in xaml it can be set the following way:   <Rectangle...
    October 15, 2008
  • Desktop WinForms

    Could a WinForms app get any slicker?

    It's finally out! As promised, we compiled this cool demo that uses a very simple but slick carousel UI. Now you can just give it a spin! The download contains updated versions of several other Telerik Windows Forms demos that we have recently added to our portfolio, such as a RadGridView exporting demo, which features our great Telerik.Reporting solution: I'll be very glad to have your feedback on this. Have fun!...
    August 25, 2008