Telerik blogs

    Extending RadListView for ASP.NET AJAX with client-side binding and infinite scroll

    From time to time customers ask us if it is possible to implement client-side binding with our RadListView for ASP.Net AJAX.  Although, this is not currently available as a built-in feature, one can very easily extend the control with some jQuery magic and Microsoft's proposed client-side templates.   I have prepared a small sample app which demonstrates a basic implementation of client-side population through infinite scroll. The actual functionality is wrapped into a good old Ajax Control Extender, which can be hooked to a RadListView. The sample contains two pages - one illustrating full client-side population, and another showing an initial server-side...

    Internet Explorer CSS limits

    We all know that Internet Explorer has some bugs. Some of them can even bring down the entire rendering of your page. Like for instance the forced Standards mode crash bug in IE8, which can make your page to disappear completely if you have a floated container with max-height and overflow: scroll. Two such bizarre bugs are these less known limitations in Internet Explorer - the 31 stylesheets per file and the 4095 selectors in a file. Let’s first discuss the more widely known of the two - 31 stylesheets per file If you are an ASP.NET developer and you develop...

    Localizing the RadEditor

    In my last post I went over how to create your own custom dictionary for RadSpell and since this control is fully integrated into our RadEditor control I wanted to discuss how to use your custom dictionary with the RadEditor, as well as how to localize the RadEditor itself. To start off we want to make sure that we can take use of our custom dictionary in the RadEditor. To do this we need to make sure that the “RadSpell” folder is located in the “App_Data” folder of our project. In the RadSpell folder we have to add all of our custom...
    April 30, 2010

    Creating a Custom RadSpell Dictionary

    The RadSpell control for ASP.NET Ajax allows you to provide your users with spellchecking in your ASP.NET Ajax applications. The control can be used to spellcheck any server or client editable element which means that any textbox, div, or iframe can be spell checked. Out of the box only three languages are supported by RadSpell; English, French and German. However, we have an offering of several languages that can be downloaded, found in this forum thread, which can be used with RadSpell. These files may be incomplete since they are not officially supported by Telerik, but overall they do provide...
    April 29, 2010

    RadGrid for ASP.NET Ajax and LINQ

    One of the most-asked questions when it comes to the ASP.NET Ajax RadGrid is "How do I improve performance?". We have covered this in some Webinars and videos that can be found on Telerik TV in a series which has been released in three parts: Part One, Part Two and Part Three. One thing I wanted to bring up with respect to performance is the usage of LINQ (Language Integrated Query) and our RadGrid. Although LINQ has been out since the initial release of .NET 3.5 I still receive quite a few questions when it comes to using it with our...
    April 28, 2010