Telerik blogs

    RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX SEO Paging with Routing in ASP.NET 4.0

    URL Routing with ASP.NET 4.0 has never been easier. While it was first a luxury of ASP.NET MVC, WebForms applications got routing support with .NET 3.5 SP1. With version 4.0 of the framework, setting up URL routing is now a piece of cake. For those of you who have never heard of it: URL Routing enables your application to use URLs that do not directly map to physical files, but can instead represent a user-friendlier, more descriptive, logical structure. It is not URL rewriting and not URL mapping, where these effectively restore the original physical URL of the page down the request pipe. With version 2010.Q2 of Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX,...
    June 23, 2010
  • Release

    Meet the Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2010 BETA release

    The time has come to have a peek on the new controls and features we are shaping for you that will be published with the Q2 2010 RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX release. Alongside with the regular updates and bug fixes for the components in the suite, you will get the following: - One brand new control: RadTagCloud - Div content area mode and light table dialog for RadEditor - Load-on-demand mode for GridDropDownColumn combobox editor, column group/reorder animations and localization through resources for RadGrid - ASP.NET 4 Routing support for RadDataPager and RadGrid’s pager - RadFilter integration with ASP.NET 3.5 data source...

    Column Animations for RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX

    Coming with 2010.Q2 release of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX is some eye candy for RadGrid users. In fact, never has an HTML grid been more interactive. RadGrid column animations will have your column headers fly around when you reorder columns or drag them over to the group panel. To get an idea of what column animations really are, try reordering some columns in Windows Explorer on Windows 7: What you get is a nice animation where headers move aside to make room for the dragged header. The idea is the same with RadGrid too. You drag one header to reorder the columns and the rest of the headers move...
    June 18, 2010

    Scroll And Slider ToolTip Extenders for RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX

    ASP.NET Extender Controls are cool. They allow you to add rich client capabilities to other server controls. The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is a wonderful example of unleashing the power of extenders to give regular ASP.NET server controls rich client capabilities. We tried this approach to further enrich RadGrid's otherwise quite solid set of client functionalities. The result is even richer. The sample project attached contains 2 custom extender controls that can be used with RadGrid. The two are similar in purpose, but different in usage. GridSliderToolTipExtender The GridSliderToolTipExtender is used with RadGrid's Slider pager. It provides you with a handy tooltip that is dynamically loaded over the RadSlider when you slide...
  • Release

    Q1 2010 SP2 releases for Telerik ASP.NET AJAX and MVC product lines

    The time has come to publish the second service packs releases for our ASP.NET AJAX and MVC suites. These are mainly stabilization releases with a set of fixes and a few enhancements that made it for the Q1 2010 SP2 launch. The details are available in the referenced resources below:   RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Release notes Demos Online documentation   Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC Release notes Demos Online documentation