Telerik blogs

As many of you noticed Telerik Scheduler was released with a completely new look of the edit appointment dialog.

Some of the things inside the dialog are just redesigned, however some of them are completely new like the categories,time markers and the importance buttons. Today I will give you more information about them:



scheduler categories

There are some built-in categories in RadScheduler and in  its edit dialog. A category can be assigned to an appointment by choosing one from the dialog on through code behind like this:

categories by code-behind

Then the category will appear in the appointment:

appointmetn with a blue category

and in the edit dialog:

 blue category

You can remove a assigned category by clicking again on the item.

Categories in RadScheduler can be changed with your owns. See the following code snippets for more details:


<telerikScheduler:RadScheduler x:Name="scheduler" >            <telerikScheduler:RadScheduler.Categories >
               <telerikScheduler:Category CategoryName="WebDevelopement" DisplayName="Web Developement"  CategoryBrush="{StaticResource WebDevelopementBrush}"/>
               <telerikScheduler:Category CategoryName="Architectures" CategoryBrush="{StaticResource ArchitecturesBrush}"/>
               <telerikScheduler:Category CategoryName="WindowsAndFrameworks" DisplayName="Windows And Frameworks"  CategoryBrush="{StaticResource WindowsAndFrameworksBrush}"/>
               <telerikScheduler:Category CategoryName="LunchAndCoffee" DisplayName="Lunch And Coffee" CategoryBrush="{StaticResource LunchAndCoffeeBrush}"/>
               <telerikScheduler:Category CategoryName="Sharepoint"  CategoryBrush="{StaticResource SharepointBrush}"/>
               <telerikScheduler:Category CategoryName="DataLayers" DisplayName="Data Layers"  CategoryBrush="{StaticResource DataLayersBrush}"/>




Time Markers are four types: Tentative, Busy,OutOfOffice and Free. They also can be choosed from the edit dialog or assigned through a code-behind,but could not be customized: 


 timemarkers code


appointments with time markers

Importance buttons:

importance buttons

With these buttons you can set  high or low importance of your appointments. Your choise will be displayed in the tooltip of the appointment:

 appointment with low importance


Hope that the descirbed new elements of the edit dialog will be helpful. Try them and post you feedback here.

About the Author

Valeri Hristov

Team Lead,
Platform Team

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