Yesterday I've made small example application to demonstrate how to utilize
our virtual collection with unknown data and I've decided to blog it.
The idea was to have two
RadListBox instances and a single
RadGridView. The first RadListBox for the
DbSet names from a given
DbContext, the second RadListBox for the property names with ability to select only some of the properties and the actual data in RadGridView bound to virtual collection:
- To know more about the model behind the application please check the code in
DbSetExplorerModel.cs and
MyProperty.cs. Except the good old reflection for retrieving various properties from various objects including
IQueryable from unknown DbContext you will be able to check how to use
ISortDescriptor to sort your data,
ISelectDescriptor to select only desired properties when requesting the server and finally how to pass all these to a
VirtualQueryableCollectionView and let it do everything else.
- To know more about how the UI was constructed you can check MainWindow.xaml, MainWindow.xaml.cs and MyConverter.cs.
- To know more about how the Windows 8 theme is applied to all components in the application please check App.xaml.