Telerik blogs
In the upcoming Q2 release RadScheduler  will include a new property called AppointmentTemplateSelector. This property will be included in both  Silverlight and WPF versions of the control.

Using it,  you will be able to easily apply different DataTemplate  to the appointments by any custom condition.

All you need to do is to create a custom class inheriting from the  DataTemplateSelector class and override the SelectTemplate method.


For example:

public class AppointmentTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector 
        public DataTemplate RedAppointmentTemplate { getset; } 
        public DataTemplate GreenAppointmentTemplate { getset; } 
        public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container) 
            base.SelectTemplate(item, container); 
            AppointmentSlot appointmentSlot = item as AppointmentSlot; 
            var appointment = appointmentSlot.Occurrence.Appointment; 
            if (appointment != null && appointment.Start.Date == DateTime.Today) 
                return RedAppointmentTemplate; 
            return GreenAppointmentTemplate; 


Then you need to define two DataTemplates – one for the “red” appointments and another for the “green” appointments:


  <DataTemplate x:Key="RedAppointmentTemplate"
                <Border     Background="Red” 
                CornerRadius="8" Margin="-2">  
                    <TextBox x:Name="PART_SubjectTextBox" Margin="7 0 18 0" 
                    VerticalAlignment="Top"  HorizontalAlignment="Left" 
                    Text="{Binding Path=Occurrence.Appointment.Subject}" 
                    Foreground="Black" TextWrapping="Wrap"  MaxWidth="100" /> 
  <DataTemplate x:Key="GreenAppointmentTemplate"
                <Border     Background="LightGreen” 
                CornerRadius="8" Margin="-2">  
                    <TextBox x:Name="PART_SubjectTextBox" Margin="7 0 18 0" 
                    VerticalAlignment="Top"  HorizontalAlignment="Left" 
                    Text="{Binding Path=Occurrence.Appointment.Subject}" 
                    Foreground="Black" TextWrapping="Wrap"  MaxWidth="100" /> 

 Add the AppointmentTemplateSelector to the resources:

<local:AppointmentTemplateSelector x:Key="ItemTemplateSelector" 
RedAppointmentTemplate ="{StaticResource RedAppointmentTemplate}" 
GreenAppointmentTemplate ="{StaticResource GreenAppointmentTemplate }" /> 

Set the AppointmentTemplateSelector  property of RadScheduler:

<telerik:RadScheduler x:Name="scheduler"  AppointmentTemplateSelector="{StaticResource ItemTemplateSelector}" /> 


The result of the above code will be red today’s appointments, whereas all other appointments will appear in green:



Download the source code for Silverlight and stay tuned for more in our Q2 release.

About the Author

Rossitza Fakalieva

Rossitza Fakalieva is a Technical Manager, Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies and a Director of the Bulgarian chapter of the global Women Who Code organization. She previously worked on the Telerik engineering team and defines herself as .NET enthusiast. She loves to empower others to grow in their career and in the tech field—by teaching, by delivering courses and presentations, and as part of her daily job.

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