Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    RadControls for WPF SP1 is out!

    Since our first official release in July, we have received lots of feedback from customers about things we need to improve. And we listened! The new release adds several important features that make working with the control easier. Here is the list: Improved selection handling. We now expose a SelectionChanged event and two convenience properties: SelectedItem and CurrentItem. The latter two are especially useful when working with the control entirely in XAML without any code-behind. Cell focus. We have added support for identifying the current cell and to navigate across cells using the Tab/Shift+Tab keys. Improved accessibility support through automation peers for RadGridView. Accessibility...
    September 11, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF: RadChart Layout Customization

    Today we would like to highlight one exciting feature that will find its way into the new RadChart control for WPF -- the control grants you the absolute freedom to compose its layout based on your business requirements and not the other way around. This effectively means that you can add an unlimited number of chart building blocks (chart areas, legends, and titles) so we will demonstrate now how easy the layout customization can be. Basically the control provides three options for layout customization: RadChart comes with a default preset layout (a single chart area, legend, and title) but you have complete...
    September 10, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF: Read-only Dependency Properties

    Yup, awkward creatures but they do exist! :) To be honest I came across these only recently and decided to share this (potentially) valuable information as well -- you cannot use it if you do not know it's there. Why do we need read-only dependency properties? There is a certain brand of dependency properties within the WPF framework that are used primarily for state determination. Often multiple conditions affect certain control state thus calculating and setting the state value directly is not feasible and generally leads to unpredictable and inconsistent results. Here is an example -- the UIElement.IsMouseOver dependency property (a common property...
    August 22, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    RadGauge for WPF

    As announced by Vladimir RadControls for WPF FUTURES suite is out and we already started to get your feedback. Vladimir and Todd have already drawn you attention to RadChart for WPF, so I decided to show you RadGauge -- another product from the same suite. You wouldn't be surprised to know that RadGauge will allow you to visualize various measurements in completely customizable manner. Here are some of the main features: Linear scales - RadGauge offers linear scales, the length or the position of the indicator over a line/bar will measure the value. There can be 4 types of indicators - elements, that point to a...
    August 07, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF: The Static Nature of Dependency Properties

    With dependency properties being so heavily used across the WPF platform, there is a good chance that sooner or later you will get bitten by this issue my colleague Hristo Deshev and I were debugging not long ago. Some heads-up can't really hurt anybody so here it is;). We will declare a simple class Foo with a single collection dependency property (note that this is a reference type). We will also supply our brand new property with a default value through the convenient DependecyProperty.Register(...) method: Let us put our class to the test by creating two Foo instances and adding a single item...
    July 25, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    RadControls for WPF SP1 is out!

    Since our first official release in July, we have received lots of feedback from customers about things we need to improve. And we listened! The new release adds several important features that make working with the control easier. Here is the list: Improved selection handling. We now expose a SelectionChanged event and two convenience properties: SelectedItem and CurrentItem. The latter two are especially useful when working with the control entirely in XAML without any code-behind. Cell focus. We have added support for identifying the current cell and to navigate across cells using the Tab/Shift+Tab keys. Improved accessibility support through automation peers for RadGridView. Accessibility...
    September 11, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF: RadChart Layout Customization

    Today we would like to highlight one exciting feature that will find its way into the new RadChart control for WPF -- the control grants you the absolute freedom to compose its layout based on your business requirements and not the other way around. This effectively means that you can add an unlimited number of chart building blocks (chart areas, legends, and titles) so we will demonstrate now how easy the layout customization can be. Basically the control provides three options for layout customization: RadChart comes with a default preset layout (a single chart area, legend, and title) but you have complete...
    September 10, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF: Read-only Dependency Properties

    Yup, awkward creatures but they do exist! :) To be honest I came across these only recently and decided to share this (potentially) valuable information as well -- you cannot use it if you do not know it's there. Why do we need read-only dependency properties? There is a certain brand of dependency properties within the WPF framework that are used primarily for state determination. Often multiple conditions affect certain control state thus calculating and setting the state value directly is not feasible and generally leads to unpredictable and inconsistent results. Here is an example -- the UIElement.IsMouseOver dependency property (a common property...
    August 22, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    RadGauge for WPF

    As announced by Vladimir RadControls for WPF FUTURES suite is out and we already started to get your feedback. Vladimir and Todd have already drawn you attention to RadChart for WPF, so I decided to show you RadGauge -- another product from the same suite. You wouldn't be surprised to know that RadGauge will allow you to visualize various measurements in completely customizable manner. Here are some of the main features: Linear scales - RadGauge offers linear scales, the length or the position of the indicator over a line/bar will measure the value. There can be 4 types of indicators - elements, that point to a...
    August 07, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF: The Static Nature of Dependency Properties

    With dependency properties being so heavily used across the WPF platform, there is a good chance that sooner or later you will get bitten by this issue my colleague Hristo Deshev and I were debugging not long ago. Some heads-up can't really hurt anybody so here it is;). We will declare a simple class Foo with a single collection dependency property (note that this is a reference type). We will also supply our brand new property with a default value through the convenient DependecyProperty.Register(...) method: Let us put our class to the test by creating two Foo instances and adding a single item...
    July 25, 2008