Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    RadControls for WPF -- Now with Filtering Support

    Boy, am I excited! We managed to push our second public beta out of the door, getting ready for the big Q2 release. Here is what's new: I am especially proud with the new filtering support in RadGridView. We designed the feature so that it would both allow you to plug your own filtering logic and have a cool default UI that will let your users quickly filter the grid. An image is worth more than a thousand words, so here it goes: RadCarousel got even fancier. Check those reflections: We got several new controls, freshly-ported from the upcoming Silverlight control suite:...
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF Data Binding: Unraveling data templates

    Data binding in WPF in general and particularly working with data templates tends to be quite tricky some times. Here I'll present you some more advanced tips for dealing with data templates. To start with, I want to refer to an article I read a while ago. It is about the basics of data templates and I want to use it as a starting point and a foundation to build on. If you are just starting to work with WPF or you have never met with data templates, please read it first to get acquainted with the idea. I'll use ItemsControl for...
    June 17, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF Line Drawing and the Device-Pixel-(In)dependence

    As you are probably aware resolution and device independence is one of the fundamental design goals of WPF. In order to achieve the desired effect the framework does not work directly with physical (device-dependent) pixels but abstracts this notion into device-independent measuring units like inches. There are two main benefits that you get from this: Automatic DPI-aware scaling Sub-pixel positioning -- WPF coordinates use floating point numbers that theoretically give you the ability to draw with higher precision than the one provided by the ordinary pixel grid. However, there is one nasty side-effect related to the fact that WPF graphics are anti-aliased by default...
    June 16, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF Grids – to be or not to be

    Recently both Paul Stovell and Joseph Cooney blogged about one very interesting topic - "Do people really need grid controls in WPF?". They're saying that people actually don't need grids in WPF and this is what makes their blog posts worth reading. Imagine if they had said the opposite: "People need grid controls for WPF!". It would have been quite boring and wouldn’t have spurred much of a discussion. For many people the idea of not having grids for WPF sounds unconventional but Paul made an interesting parallel to justify his claim "Using grids in WPF is like buying a Ferrari to pick up...
    June 11, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    RadControls for WPF -- Now with Filtering Support

    Boy, am I excited! We managed to push our second public beta out of the door, getting ready for the big Q2 release. Here is what's new: I am especially proud with the new filtering support in RadGridView. We designed the feature so that it would both allow you to plug your own filtering logic and have a cool default UI that will let your users quickly filter the grid. An image is worth more than a thousand words, so here it goes: RadCarousel got even fancier. Check those reflections: We got several new controls, freshly-ported from the upcoming Silverlight control suite:...
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF Data Binding: Unraveling data templates

    Data binding in WPF in general and particularly working with data templates tends to be quite tricky some times. Here I'll present you some more advanced tips for dealing with data templates. To start with, I want to refer to an article I read a while ago. It is about the basics of data templates and I want to use it as a starting point and a foundation to build on. If you are just starting to work with WPF or you have never met with data templates, please read it first to get acquainted with the idea. I'll use ItemsControl for...
    June 17, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF Line Drawing and the Device-Pixel-(In)dependence

    As you are probably aware resolution and device independence is one of the fundamental design goals of WPF. In order to achieve the desired effect the framework does not work directly with physical (device-dependent) pixels but abstracts this notion into device-independent measuring units like inches. There are two main benefits that you get from this: Automatic DPI-aware scaling Sub-pixel positioning -- WPF coordinates use floating point numbers that theoretically give you the ability to draw with higher precision than the one provided by the ordinary pixel grid. However, there is one nasty side-effect related to the fact that WPF graphics are anti-aliased by default...
    June 16, 2008
  • Desktop WPF

    WPF Grids – to be or not to be

    Recently both Paul Stovell and Joseph Cooney blogged about one very interesting topic - "Do people really need grid controls in WPF?". They're saying that people actually don't need grids in WPF and this is what makes their blog posts worth reading. Imagine if they had said the opposite: "People need grid controls for WPF!". It would have been quite boring and wouldn’t have spurred much of a discussion. For many people the idea of not having grids for WPF sounds unconventional but Paul made an interesting parallel to justify his claim "Using grids in WPF is like buying a Ferrari to pick up...
    June 11, 2008