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Sneak Peek New Features in Telerik Reporting R3 Beta 1_870x220

Improved performance, Precision, Private Fonts, Continuous Paper, Can Shrink and Viewers Events—check out the latest features in Reporting R3 2016 Beta 1.

We are constantly improving Telerik Reporting, taking into account your engagement and some great suggestions from our feedback portal. The latest features we've developed for you are now available in with the Beta 1 release. Now you can enjoy improved performance, Private Fonts, Continuous Paper, Can Shrink, Precision and Viewers Events. Below you will find more information about each of them.

Update: Additionally we now have published the Telerik Reporting R3 Beta 2, which includes PDF Security and Custom Actions features as well.

Improved Performance

In our constant quest for faster report rendering, in this release we have improved the overall performance up to 25% in all supported document formats.

Private Fonts

No more need to worry about installing fonts on the server, cloud instance, or the available fonts on the client computer. Now you can use any font without installing it on the hosting environment. We support Private Fonts in all rendering extensions and most viewers. For more information, please check out the downloadable documentation in chm format.

Continuous Paper

We have added support for Continuous Paper, so you can use all types of printers, including matrix printers with endless feed.


A CanShrink property for the panel and the report section container items is now available. If the container’s content is hidden or shrunk, when turned on the container will collapse accordingly.

Better Precision

Rendering hundreds pages of reports may cause an accumulation of floating point errors, which result in an unexpected layout. In order to avoid this now the reporting layout engine works with discrete precision of 10 micrometers.

Viewers Events

Sometimes you may want to modify the rendered document prior to serving it to the viewers’ client. Now, this is supported in all report viewers.

Bug Fixes

For information about the included bug fixes check out the release notes.

Download the Beta

To download the beta visit your account download page. The beta download is available to everyone that has downloaded the latest official release, Telerik Reporting R2 SP1. 

Your feedback is extremely valuable for us, so let us know what you think about the new Beta 1 release of Telerik Reporting in the comments below. Additionally, feel free to contact our support team if you come across anything unexpected or have questions. Thank you very much in advance!

What's Next

Finally, a quick brief on what we are still working on:  

  • Custom interactivity actions to enable viewer customizations like tooltips
  • Embedded Table of Contents within the report body
  • PDF password protection with encryption
  • Viewer Events to further customize and audit all interactive actions
Stay tuned for more news about Telerik Reporting R3 2016!

About the Author

Petar Raykov

Petar Raykov is a Software Developer in the Telerik Reporting division. He has been working on Telerik products since 2010. Off work he enjoys traveling, hanging out with friends and reading.

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