
Telerik Reporting

Release History

Telerik Reporting R3 2016 (version

September 13, 2016

Built-in Table of Contents

  • Create Table of Contents that is fully interactive in all Report Viewers and navigation-enabled to particular listed items. TOC is interactive in both exported PDF and Word documents.

Custom Interactivity Actions

  • A new custom action and handlers enable you to invoke custom application logic, create tooltips or apply additional styling.

PDF Security

  • PDFs are the most commonly used type of documents in business and some are intended to be confidential. We've built-in the ability to export password-protected PDF documents.

Improved Performance

  • In our constant quest for faster report rendering, in this release we have improved the overall performance up to 25% in all supported document formats.

Private Fonts Built-in Support

  • Private Fonts in all rendering extensions and most viewers are now available. You don't need to install a font on the server or cloud instance in order to use it in a report.

Comprehensive Report Viewer Events

  • More control is now possible while the report is being displayed, exported, or printed from the report viewer controls. For example, you may modify the prepared document before reaching the end user or cancel the initiated operation.

Printing on Continuous Paper

  • We've added support for continuous feed printers. You can use it with all types of printers, including the matrix ones.

Containers CanShrink Property

  • CanShrink property for the panel and the report section container items is now available. If the container's content is hidden or shrunk, when turned on the container will collapse accordingly.

Better Precision

  • Rendering hundreds pages of reports may cause an accumulation of floating point errors, which result in an unexpected layout. In order to avoid this now the reporting layout engine works with discrete precision of 10 micrometers.

Improved ObjectDataSource Security

  • We have improved the ObjectDataSource security so now can resolve only types that are declared either in the current report's assembly or in the application configuration file.

Standalone Report Designer inline preview for reports hosted on Report Server

  • Now the reports that are hosted on a Report Server instance can be previewed directly in Standalone Report Designer without opening them in a browser window.

CSV Data Source

  • Inline source is now kept outside the XML report definition for TRDP reports


  • The special "LocationProvider" expressions, available for PointMapSeries are now renamed to "Location" for consistency

Common Breaking Changes

  • When using ObjectDataSource component, it is now mandatory to declare the assembly that contains the used types in AssemblyReference section
  • Page break on hidden section is now neglected
  • Binding expressions with static value for Size and Location properties now use InvariantCulture list separator - comma (,). For example: ="2cm, 1cm"
  • The property Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Style is now obsolete. Please use GetStyle() and SetStyle() extension methods instead

Windows Forms Viewer Breaking Changes

  • The event CancelEventHandler PrintBegin is now deprecated. Please use PrintBeginEventHandler PrintBegin instead.
  • The event EventHandler PrintEnd is now deprecated. Please use PrintEndEventHandler PrintEnd instead.
  • The event CancelEventHandler RenderingBegin is now deprecated. Please use RenderingBeginEventHandler RenderingBegin instead.
  • The event EventHandler RenderingEnd is now deprecated. Please use RenderingEndEventHandler RenderingEnd instead.
  • The method OnPrintBegin(CancelEventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintBegin(PrintBeginEventArgs) instead.
  • The method OnPrintEnd(EventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintEnd(PrintEndEventArgs) instead.
  • The method OnRenderingBegin(CancelEventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingBegin(RenderingBeginEventArgs) instead.
  • The method OnRenderingEnd(EventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingEnd(RenderingEndEventArgs) instead.

WPF Viewer Breaking Changes

  • The event CancelEventHandler PrintBegin is now deprecated. Please use PrintBeginEventHandler PrintBegin instead.
  • The event EventHandler PrintEnd is now deprecated. Please use PrintEndEventHandler PrintEnd instead.
  • The event CancelEventHandler RenderingBegin is now deprecated. Please use RenderingBeginEventHandler RenderingBegin instead.
  • The event EventHandler RenderingEnd is now deprecated. Please use RenderingEndEventHandler RenderingEnd instead.
  • The method OnPrintBegin(CancelEventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintBegin(PrintBeginEventArgs) instead.
  • The method OnPrintEnd(EventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnPrintEnd(PrintEndEventArgs) instead.
  • The method OnRenderingBegin(CancelEventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingBegin(RenderingBeginEventArgs) instead.
  • The method OnRenderingEnd(EventArgs) is now obsolete. Please use OnRenderingEnd(RenderingEndEventArgs) instead.


  • TRDX report definition cannot be converted directly into TRDP, if the report contains resources


  • Label Wizard does not let paper to be selected
  • Watermark properties are not serialized correctly
  • Cannot undo/redo Page Settings
  • Watermark undo operation fails which disables the Reset operation in the Property window
  • The Navigate to Report action report parameters are not populated when using TRDP report definition

Standalone Report Designer

  • Lock, Publish and Revert commands remain disabled when the username is entered with a different letter case
  • Insert table row from ribbon menu inserts a column


  • Empty collection property used as data source causes 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error
  • GraphMapSeries datapoints (nested graphs) are not rendered
  • Graph item's Legend is not displayed when its Position is Absolute
  • Location and Size properties' expressions use the machine culture's List separator instead of comma (,)
  • The Map item doesn't calculate the world bounds correctly when the extent spans exactly the whole world and TileProvider is not used


  • KeepTogether is not respected in some Table layouts
  • Table is not rendered correctly if there is horizontal paging in the report document
  • Incorrect paging of leading PageBreak in nested report


  • RendererNotAvailableException: ReportProcessor.RenderReport cannot be executed with a custom rendering extension in a multithread application

HTML Rendering

  • Axis labels with font size set in pixels are not aligned correcly in HTML5 Viewer

XAML Rendering

  • Invalid HTML in HtmlTextBox item causes error in the Silverlight XAML rendering

PowerPoint Rendering

  • Additional lines after <li> elements in HtmlTextBox exported in PPTX format


  • 'Document not found' error when executing a toggle visibility action in a web farm scenario

Report Viewer

  • WinForms and WPF viewers' Refresh button remains disabled when the report cannot be resolved

Web Forms HTML5 Report Viewer

  • RenderingEnd event is not firing

Windows Forms Report Viewer

  • Memory leak when exporting documents
  • Add option for using Windows credentials with RestService engine for desktop viewers
  • Print, Rendering and Export events seem to have inconsistent arguments

WPF Report Viewer

  • Memory leak when exporting documents

WebForms Report Viewer

  • 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error on configuring ReportSource via 'Load Report' dialog

Product Dependencies

Telerik Reporting
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4

- Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient ( or later)

HTML5 Report Viewer
- Telerik Kendo UI (2013.2.918 or later) - jQuery (1.9.1 or later)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service
- Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (4.0.20710.0 or later) - Newtonsoft.Json ( or later)

ServiceStack REST Report Service
- ServiceStack (

ASP.NET MVC Extension of the HTML5 Report Viewer
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework (4.0.20710.0 or later)

WPF Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2016.3.914.40)

Silverlight Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight (2016.3.914.1050)

Database cache ICache implementation
- Telerik Data Access ORM (2015.1.220.1)

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Next Steps

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