Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    Standard resources in the edit dialog in Telerik Scheduler for Silverlight/WPF

    As many of you noticed Telerik Scheduler was released with a completely new look of the edit appointment dialog. Some of the things inside the dialog are just redesigned, however some of them are completely new like the categories,time markers and the importance buttons. Today I will give you more information about them:   Categories: There are some built-in categories in RadScheduler and in  its edit dialog. A category can be assigned to an appointment by choosing one from the dialog on through code behind like this: Then the category will appear in the appointment: and in the edit dialog:   You can remove a assigned category by...
    November 27, 2009
  • Web

    RadScheduler for Silverlight learning series, part 4: So what is RecurrenceExceptionHelper?

    For those of you following this series, I'm going to take a slight detour to explain one of the little bits of magic that we have been using to make loading and saving appointments very easy: RecurrenceExceptionHelper.  If you downloaded the sample application from part 3, you'll see this sitting in the Silverlight-RIA-Entity folder (aka the Silverlight portion of the solution).  The first thing you might be asking is where the need for such a class comes from.  Well, handling Recurrence rules and Exceptions are two of the more complex things that you can do when working with appointments.  When...
    September 10, 2009
  • Web

    RadScheduler for Silverlight learning series, part 1: Getting started with RIA Services

    One of the newest (and arguably greatest) controls to be added to the RadControls for Silverlight suite recently has been RadScheduler.  With it, you can take care of everything from scheduling your day to planning what track you want to attend at events.  This versatile control allows you a lot of freedom to customize how you interact with it and just what you can do with appointments, which is what this series is going to be all about.  I won't spoil the future installments just yet (although they'll include using RadDragAndDrop in RadScheduler, albeit in a different way than this...
    September 01, 2009
  • Web

    Mark working hours and days in different colors with RadScheduler for Silverlight

    We received a couple of questions on how some of the days and hours in the different views of RadScheduler can be customized. The answer of this question is in the attached application illustrating how working hours and days can be  marked in orange.  The solution includes 3 easy steps : Create a custom theme using the default RadScheduler' theme. Create a ValueConverter returning the right color depending on the hour/day. Find the style applied to every hour(timeslot) and apply the converter to the Background property. To create a custom theme you can follow the steps...
  • Web

    Drag and drop items onto RadScheduler for Silverlight

    We all are aware that users tend to look for the easiest and most rational way to do something. That is why developers always strive to create their products' interface as intuitive as possible. Speaking in this context, dragging and dropping helps us improve user experience significantly and make end users happier. In this blog post I will explain how we can use RadDragAndDrop to enable users drag items from a certain control and drop them over RadScheduler, while notifying about that. Of course, the described scenario could be extended to act in many different scenarios. Let us say we will drag items from a listbox to...
  • Desktop WPF

    Standard resources in the edit dialog in Telerik Scheduler for Silverlight/WPF

    As many of you noticed Telerik Scheduler was released with a completely new look of the edit appointment dialog. Some of the things inside the dialog are just redesigned, however some of them are completely new like the categories,time markers and the importance buttons. Today I will give you more information about them:   Categories: There are some built-in categories in RadScheduler and in  its edit dialog. A category can be assigned to an appointment by choosing one from the dialog on through code behind like this: Then the category will appear in the appointment: and in the edit dialog:   You can remove a assigned category by...
    November 27, 2009
  • Web

    RadScheduler for Silverlight learning series, part 4: So what is RecurrenceExceptionHelper?

    For those of you following this series, I'm going to take a slight detour to explain one of the little bits of magic that we have been using to make loading and saving appointments very easy: RecurrenceExceptionHelper.  If you downloaded the sample application from part 3, you'll see this sitting in the Silverlight-RIA-Entity folder (aka the Silverlight portion of the solution).  The first thing you might be asking is where the need for such a class comes from.  Well, handling Recurrence rules and Exceptions are two of the more complex things that you can do when working with appointments.  When...
    September 10, 2009
  • Web

    RadScheduler for Silverlight learning series, part 1: Getting started with RIA Services

    One of the newest (and arguably greatest) controls to be added to the RadControls for Silverlight suite recently has been RadScheduler.  With it, you can take care of everything from scheduling your day to planning what track you want to attend at events.  This versatile control allows you a lot of freedom to customize how you interact with it and just what you can do with appointments, which is what this series is going to be all about.  I won't spoil the future installments just yet (although they'll include using RadDragAndDrop in RadScheduler, albeit in a different way than this...
    September 01, 2009
  • Web

    Mark working hours and days in different colors with RadScheduler for Silverlight

    We received a couple of questions on how some of the days and hours in the different views of RadScheduler can be customized. The answer of this question is in the attached application illustrating how working hours and days can be  marked in orange.  The solution includes 3 easy steps : Create a custom theme using the default RadScheduler' theme. Create a ValueConverter returning the right color depending on the hour/day. Find the style applied to every hour(timeslot) and apply the converter to the Background property. To create a custom theme you can follow the steps...
  • Web

    Drag and drop items onto RadScheduler for Silverlight

    We all are aware that users tend to look for the easiest and most rational way to do something. That is why developers always strive to create their products' interface as intuitive as possible. Speaking in this context, dragging and dropping helps us improve user experience significantly and make end users happier. In this blog post I will explain how we can use RadDragAndDrop to enable users drag items from a certain control and drop them over RadScheduler, while notifying about that. Of course, the described scenario could be extended to act in many different scenarios. Let us say we will drag items from a listbox to...