Telerik blogs


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  • Desktop WPF

    How To: Merge assemblies into WPF application

    As you may know you cannot use ILMerge to merge assemblies with XAML (WPF application) however there is a little known trick you can use to achieve your goal in a bit different way.
    January 15, 2013
  • Desktop WPF

    A XAMLFlix Video Tutorial: RadAutoCompleteBox for WPF and Silverlight

    Introduction As you may know, XAMLflix is a video series designed to get you up to speed quickly and easily with our Telerik controls for WPF and Silverlight. In this episode, we examine the RadAutoCompleteBox, looking at both single and multiple selection, as well as how you can tune the control to match the appearance of your project using themes. What Is RadAutoCompleteBox? RadAutoCompleteBox allows the user to type in one or more letters and see a list of potential matching values. The more the user types, the more the selection field is narrowed. The user can, at any time, select one of...
    November 27, 2012
  • Desktop WPF

    Control Implicit Styles or “Where is My ComboBox.xaml” of RadControls for Silverlight and WPF

    It is gone… Merged in Telerik.Windows.Controls.Input.xaml. But you can still extract it, just read on. A while back ago we have released the styles for all our controls and themes of the RadControls for Silverlight and WPF suites as ResourceDictionary xaml files containing implicit styles. Currently they could be merged in the App.xaml files of your application and would apply globally. Of course there is more information available in the help sections: Implicit styles Silverlight Implicit styles WPF Some of the benefits are that the styles are no longer hidden in a dll’s resources but rather exposed in your application. And so it is easier to re-style some of the controls or...
  • Desktop WPF

    XAMLflix Video: RadSlider for Silverlight and WPF

    It’s Tuesday and time for a XAMLflix video.  This week we’re looking at RadSlider.XAMLflix is produced by Telerik, and designed to assist you with getting the most out of the controls in Telerik’s XAML Suite for Silverlight and WPF.  We create a new video tutorial every Tuesday and Thursday and a new written tutorial every Wednesday. Some of you may know that Tuesday is usually Michael’s, and my videos are usually Thursday, but we thought we’d switch it up this week.  In today’s videos we introduce and then work with the RadSlider. Note that while the video was created with our Silverlight...
  • Desktop WPF

    3 Short Videos on Silverlight and WPF Controls

    This week we’re trying something a little different with XAMLflix.  Rather than two or three videos on one control, we have three short videos on each of three simple RadControls that will enhance your applications.  XAMLflix is produced by Telerik, and is designed to help you get the most out of our new and our existing controls in the Telerik XAML Suites for Silverlight and WPF.  We have new videos every Tuesday and Thursday and a new written tutorial every Wednesday.In today’s videos you will see how easy it is to work with RadDataFilter, RadTreeListView and RadSpellChecker.  Because the Telerik Silverlight...