The Blue Mockingbird malware attack, which is compromising the security of many web applications, is also targeting old Telerik UI vulnerabilities that have already been fixed.
We were curious about Blazor in a Progressive Web App - so we built an app. Curious about using Blazor in PWAs? Check out our sample app and what we learned developing it.
Blazor is growing rapidly and we are starting to see apps go into production. This means that they will be accessed by people from all over the world and so your app’s Internationalization game needs to be on point. The Telerik UI for Blazor components now react to the current culture and show numbers and dates in the appropriate format.
Blazor has entered official support phase and so applications will need to be ready for the world. This includes localization and translation into multiple languages - the ability to convert the text in the UI so that all your users can understand them in their native (or preferred) language.
Lately, everybody and their dog has gotten hacked. New vulnerabilities are found every day, and web apps have a very wide surface area that can be targeted by attackers. How do I stay secure? We will give you a starting point in this post.