Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD – Day 15 - “Simple” Does Not Always Mean “Obvious” Pt. 2

    In the last post we wrote what should have been a simple test. But in this case we’ll see how sometimes simple tests can be a little more complicated that we anticipate.
    October 21, 2013
  • Productivity

    Announcing JustDecompile Q3 2013

    All the Telerik Just* tools are getting great new features in the Q3 2013 release, and JustDecompile is no exception! JustDecompile has always been fast and free and now is even better than ever!
    October 18, 2013
  • Productivity

    Announcing JustCode Q3 2013

    The Q3 2013 version of JustCode has been released and is available! The latest version of JustCode has a lot of great new features. In this post I’m going to tell you about some of the exciting new features in this tool and how they can help you start writing better code today! And if you’re using the Visual Studio 2013 don’t worry; JustCode supports 2013 so these great features available to all the early adopters out there.
    October 17, 2013
  • Productivity

    Announcing JustTrace Q3 2013

    Telerik has released the Q3 2013 release of JustTrace, which is available here! JustTrace has always been a great and easy to use tool for tracing and profiling your applications, but this new release has some great new features that make this great tool even better! A major strength of JustTrace is that we provide a one-click way to find common problems in .NET applications. You’ll see that we bring the exact same ease of use to our new features that we’ve built into JustTrace all along. This makes JustTrace the best tool to quickly find the issues in your .NET application.
    October 17, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD – Day 14 - “Simple” Does Not Always Mean “Obvious” Pt. 1

    The last couple posts have seen us using basic Stubs to mock out the functionality a class that our code under test is dependent on. We focused on dealing with an external resource and being able to replicate enough of that resources functionality to satisfy our test. In this post I’ll introduce a new, simple test case. Over this and the next post you’ll see that not all “simple” test cases are so simple.
    October 14, 2013