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Breaking Changes in 3.0.0

Common Changes


The OnRead handlers of all components now expect you to set the data to an event argument instead of the component Data attribute. This new data binding mechanism will no longer depend on the component life cycle and will allow new features, which could not be supported in the past (such as Excel export of all pages with OnRead).

Note the following changes when using manual data operations:

  • Set the TItem attribute of the component. This will provide information about the model type, instead of Data.
  • Set the TValue attribute for ComboBox, DropDownList and MultiSelect.
  • Do not set the Data attribute. Instead, set args.Data (IEnumerable) in the OnRead handler.
  • There is no need to cast the items returned by ToDataSourceResult() when setting args.Data.
  • Do not set TotalCount. This attribute is now removed in favor of the args.Total event argument (int) in the OnRead handler.
  • Aggregates over all the data are now supported via args.AggregateResults (IEnumerable<AggregateResult>). The AggregateResults event argument is exposed only for components that support aggregates. If the Grid is bound to DataTable, a workaround is still necessary.
  • If you have cached the DataSourceRequest object in order to set Data later, the new approach is to reset the Grid state, so that OnRead is called again.
  • Binding to ObservableData via OnRead is no longer supported.
  • UI for Blazor 3.0.1 introduced a Rebind method that triggers OnRead for on-demand data updates. Here is a rebind example for the Grid and a similar one for the ComboBox.

OnRead Usage in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
<TelerikComboBox Data="@ComboData"
                 TotalCount="@ComboTotal" />

<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData"
             TotalCount="@GridTotal" />

List<Product> SourceData { get; set; } = new();
List<Product> ComboData { get; set; }
List<Product> GridData { get; set; }
int ComboTotal { get; set; } = 0;
int GridTotal { get; set; } = 0;
protected void OnComboRead(ComboBoxReadEventArgs args)
    var result = SourceData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
    ComboData = result.Data.Cast<Product>().ToList();
    ComboTotal = result.Total;
protected void OnGridRead(GridReadEventArgs args)
    var result = SourceData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
    GridData = result.Data.Cast<Product>().ToList();
    GridTotal = result.Total;
    // aggregates N/A
<TelerikComboBox TItem="@Product"
                 OnRead="@OnComboRead" />

<TelerikGrid TItem="@Product"
             OnRead="@OnGridRead" />


List<Product> SourceData { get; set; } = new();
protected void OnComboRead(ComboBoxReadEventArgs args)
    var result = SourceData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
    args.Data = result.Data;
    args.Total = result.Total;
protected void OnGridRead(GridReadEventArgs args)
    var result = SourceData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
    args.Data = result.Data;
    args.Total = result.Total;
    args.AggregateResults = result.AggregateResults;


  • PopupClass, PopupHeight and PopupWidth attributes are removed in favor of a nested popup settings tag. Applies to AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList and MultiSelect. The nested tag name depend on the component name.

Popup configuration in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
<TelerikComboBox PopupClass="my-class"

        <ComboBoxPopupSettings Class="my-class"
                               Width="150px" />

Other Common Changes

Component Changes


  • Changed GridEditMode enum default value from Inline to None. Grid editing should be explicitly enabled for the Add and Edit command buttons to work.
  • Changed the popup edit form orientation to vertical. This is now consistent will the default TelerikForm Orientation and the popup edit forms in all components. UI for Blazor 3.1 will provide popup configuration settings.
  • Use IFilterDescriptor to work with the Grid state, instead of FilterDescriptorBase.
  • Removed method ExportToExcel() (MemoryStream) in favor of ExportToExcelAsync() (Task<MemoryStream> ).
  • Removed method ExportToCsv() (MemoryStream) in favor of ExportToCsvAsync() (Task<MemoryStream> ).

Grid export stream in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
TelerikGrid<GridModel> GridRef { get; set; }

void ExportToExcel()
    var exportStream = GridRef.ExportToExcel();

void ExportToCsv()
    var exportStream = GridRef.ExportToCsv();

TelerikGrid<GridModel> GridRef { get; set; }

async Task ExportToExcel()
    var exportStream = await GridRef.ExportToExcelAsync();

async Task ExportToCsv()
    var exportStream = await GridRef.ExportToCsvAsync();
  • Removed ExpandedRows (ICollection<int>) in favor of ExpandedItems (ICollection<TItem>) in the GridState. ExpandedItems expects items, instead of item indexes. Also, the PropertyName argument in the OnStateChanged event changes from "ExpandedRows" to "ExpandedItems" in hierarchy scenarios.

Expand Grid rows in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
List<GridModel> GridData { get; set; }

async Task OnGridStateInit(GridStateEventArgs<GridModel> args)
    // expand first Grid row
    args.GridState.ExpandedRows =
        new List<int> { 0 };

List<GridModel> GridData { get; set; }

async Task OnGridStateInit(GridStateEventArgs<GridModel> args)
    // expand first Grid row
    args.GridState.ExpandedItems =
        new List<GridModel> { GridData.FirstOrDefault() };

Other Components

  • Button - removed Primary parameter in favor of ThemeColor of type string. There is a new static class Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.Button.ThemeColor with a predefined set of theme colors. To get the old primary Button styling, set ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Button.ThemeColor.Primary".

Primary Button style in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
    Primary="true" />

    ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Button.ThemeColor.Primary" />
  • DateInput – removed ParsingErrorMessage (obsolete since version 2.8) in favor of DateInput_ParsingErrorMessage localization string.

  • Loader, LoaderContainer - changed Size parameter type from LoaderSize enum to string (example below). The default value of Size is ThemeConstants.Loader.Size.Medium. There is a new static class Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.Loader.Size with a predefined set of size properties.

  • Notification, Loader, LoaderContainer - changed ThemeColor parameter type from ThemeColors enum to string. The default value of ThemeColor is ThemeConstants.Loader.ThemeColor.Primary. There is a new static class Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.Loader.ThemeColor with a predefined set of properties.

Loader and LoaderContainer in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
    ThemeColor="@ThemeColors.Tertiary" />

    ThemeColor="@ThemeColors.Tertiary" />

    ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Loader.ThemeColor.Tertiary" />

    ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Loader.ThemeColor.Tertiary" />

TextBox Label in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
    Label="First Name*:" />

<TelerikFloatingLabel Text="First Name*:">
        @bind-Value="@Value" />
  • TileLayout - introduced optional Id attribute for the TileLayoutItem. The OnResize event handler will receive argument of type TileLayoutResizeEventArgs. The OnReorder event handler will receive argument of type TileLayoutReorderEventArgs. Both event arguments will point to the tile item (args.Id) and define if the component should re-render after the event (args.ShouldRender).

TileLayout resize and reorder events in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
<TelerikTileLayout Resizable="true"
        <TileLayoutItem />

@code {
    void OnResizeHandler()

    void OnReorderHandler()


<TelerikTileLayout Resizable="true"
        <TileLayoutItem Id="tile1" />

@code {
    void OnResizeHandler(TileLayoutResizeEventArgs args)
        if (args.Id == "tile1")
            // ...
    void OnReorderHandler(TileLayoutReorderEventArgs args)
        if (args.Id == "tile1")
            // ...
  • TreeList - changed TreeListEditMode enum default value from Inline to None. TreeList editing should be explicitly enabled for the Add and Edit command buttons to work.

  • TreeList - changed the popup edit form orientation to vertical. This is now consistent will the default TelerikForm Orientation and the popup edit forms of all components. UI for Blazor 3.1 will provide popup configuration settings.

  • TreeView - removed ExpandedField parameter in favor of ExpandedItems (IEnumerable<object>). The expanded state of TreeView items will no longer depend on a model property. ExpandedItems supports two-way binding.

TreeView expanded items in UI for Blazor up to version 2.30 and after version 3.0

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
<TelerikTreeView Data="@TreeData">

        <TreeViewBinding ExpandedField="IsExpanded" />

IEnumerable<TreeItem> TreeData { get; set; }

protected override void OnInitialized()
    // expanded items depend on
    // the IsExpanded value of each item
public class TreeItem
    public bool IsExpanded { get; set; }

<TelerikTreeView Data="@TreeData"
        <TreeViewBinding />

IEnumerable<TreeItem> TreeData { get; set; }
IEnumerable<object> ExpandedItems { get; set; }
    = new List<TreeItem>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
    // expanded items depend on
    ExpandedItems = TreeData.Where(x => x.HasChildren == true).ToList();
public class TreeItem
  • Window - changed Size parameter type from WindowSize enum to string. There is a new static class Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.Window.Size with a predefined set of size properties. To maintain the old behavior, set the Window Width to 300px, 800px or 1200px.

Parameter Names

We are making our API naming more consistent.

  • Drawer - Content RenderFragment is renamed to DrawerContent
  • Drawer - IsSeparatorField parameter (obsolete since version 2.27) is removed in favor of SeparatorField
  • Editor - UpdateInterval parameter is renamed to DebounceDelay
  • Stepper - IsCanceled property in StepperStepChangeEventArgs (obsolete since version 2.26) is removed in favor of IsCancelled

Rendering and Themes

The HTML rendering and CSS classes have been updated for multiple components, including Buttons, Textbox components, Dropdown components, Date/Time Pickers, Checkbox, Switch. Recreate any custom themes.

CSS Classes for State

Some CSS classes related to component state were renamed.

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0

k-widget Class

The k-widget CSS class was removed from all components. If you use this class in custom CSS code, replace it with the corresponding component-specific classes.

UI for Blazor 2.30UI for Blazor 3.0
<div class="k-widget k-grid"></div>
<span class="k-widget k-combobox"></span>

    .foo .k-widget {
        /* ... */

<div class="k-grid"></div>
<span class="k-combobox"></span>

    .foo .k-grid,
    .foo .k-combobox {
        /* ... */

Component Widths

  • Dropdown components – removed the default inline style of width: 300px. The new default width is 100% and comes from the theme CSS. Applies to AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList, MultiSelect.
  • Textbox components - changed the default theme width from 12.4em to 100%. Applies to DateInput, Date/Time Picker, MaskedTextBox, NumericTextBox, TextArea, TextBox.

Input Rendering

  • Textbox and dropdown components have new consistent HTML rendering. Note the k-input CSS class, which is now used for the outer component element, instead of the <input>.

    <span class="k-[COMPONENT] k-input"> <!-- k-picker instead of k-input for the DropDownList -->
        <input class="k-input-inner" /> <!-- SPAN element instead of INPUT for the DropDownList -->
        <button class="k-input-button [BUTTON CLASSES]"><!-- button here if needed--></button>

REPL Changes

Telerik REPL for Blazor always uses the latest official version of the Telerik.UI.for.Blazor NuGet package.

Any snippet created before Telerik.UI.for.Blazor version 3.0 (January 19, 2022) may need an update due to the above list of changes.