Grid - Refresh Data
One of the key features of Telerik UI for Blazor Grid component is its ability to refresh the displayed data. This ensures that the Grid always presents the most up-to-date information, no matter if you are working with large datasets or frequently changing data sources. Understanding how to efficiently refresh the data in the Grid is crucial for maintaining both optimal performance and user experience. This guide covers various methods and best practices for refreshing data in the Telerik UI for Blazor Grid, helping you choose the right approach for your specific application needs related to Blazor DataGrid live update.
In this article:
Rebind Method
You can refresh the Grid data by using the Rebind
method exposed to the reference of the TelerikGrid. If you have manually defined the OnRead event the business logic defined in its event handler will be executed.
@* Clicking on the Rebind button will change the Name of the first item in the Grid and refresh the data *@
<TelerikButton OnClick="@RebindGrid">Rebind the Grid</TelerikButton>
@using Telerik.DataSource.Extensions
<TelerikGrid TItem="@Employee"
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.ID) />
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Name) Title="Name" />
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.HireDate) Title="Hire Date" />
@code {
private TelerikGrid<Employee> GridRef { get; set; }
private void RebindGrid()
if(SourceData.Count > 0)
Employee firstDataItem = SourceData.FirstOrDefault();
firstDataItem.Name = "Changed in the rebound method";
public List<Employee> SourceData { get; set; }
protected async Task ReadItems(GridReadEventArgs args)
await Task.Delay(1000); //simulate network delay from a real async call
var datasourceResult = SourceData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
args.Data = datasourceResult.Data;
args.Total = datasourceResult.Total;
protected override void OnInitialized()
SourceData = GenerateData();
private List<Employee> GenerateData()
var result = new List<Employee>();
var rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
result.Add(new Employee()
ID = i,
Name = "Name " + i,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(rand.Next(-20, 20))
return result;
public class Employee
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
As part of our
release we introduced theRebind
method to the component reference. This can make some of the approaches in this article obsolete, especially resetting the collection reference.
Observable Data
The most common reason you would use an ObservableCollection is to make a component (like a grid, treeview, treelist, dropdown) change or react when you change that collection.
When you want to refresh the component data source like that, there are two important framework behaviors you need to be aware of - when ObservableCollection instances fire events, and how to refresh the data of a component when it is not an observable collection.
Databound components can benefit from live updates - when the data source collection changes, the components should update to reflect that change. Most data-bound components in the Telerik UI for Blazor suite implement such functionality.
When the Data
of the component is a collection that implements the INotifyCollectionChanged
interface (such as ObservableCollection
), the Telerik components subscribe to its CollectionChanged
event to make live update. This means that adding items, removing items, or clearing the collection updates the components (its .Add()
, .Remove()
and .Clear()
The Observable collections fire the CollectionChanged
event only when their Add
, Remove
and Clear
methods are called. They do not fire it when you change the value of a field of one of their elements.
Observable data is not supported with manual data operations via the
Bind the Grid to an ObservableCollection, so it can react to collection changes.
@* Add/remove employee to see the Blazor DataGrid live update in action. *@
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel
<TelerikButton OnClick="@AddEmployee">Add employee</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@RemoveEmployee">Remove last employee</TelerikButton>
<TelerikGrid Data="@MyData" Height="400px"
Pageable="true" Sortable="true">
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Id))" Width="120px" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Name))" Title="Employee Name" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Team))" Title="Team" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.HireDate))" Title="Hire Date" />
@code {
void AddEmployee()
var x = MyData.Count + 1;
MyData.Add(new SampleData
Id = x,
Name = "name " + x,
Team = "team " + x % 5,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x).Date
void RemoveEmployee()
if (MyData.Count>0)
MyData.RemoveAt(MyData.Count - 1);
public ObservableCollection<SampleData> MyData = new ObservableCollection<SampleData>(Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => new SampleData
Id = x,
Name = "name " + x,
Team = "team " + x % 5,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x).Date
public class SampleData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Team { get; set; }
public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
If you need to add/remove many items to/from the collection, consider creating a new collection and provide its reference to the data parameter. Thus, the component will re-render only once (when the data collection reference is changed) instead of re-rendering multiple times in response to the Add/Remove events.
New Collection Reference
In Blazor, the framework will fire the OnParametersSet
event of a child component (which is how child components can react to outside changes) only when it can detect a change in the object it receives through the corresponding parameter (like Data
for the data sources of Telerik components). This detection works as follows:
For strings and value types, this happens when their value changes.
For reference types (such as data collections like
, or anyIEnumerable
, and application-specific objects), this happens when the object reference changes.Thus, you would usually need to create a
reference for the view-model field (such asTreeViewData = new List<MyTreeViewItem>(theUpdatedDataCollection);
) when you want the component to update.
Create new collection reference to refresh the Grid data.
@* Add/remove employee to see how the Grid reacts to that change. *@
<TelerikButton OnClick="@AddEmployee">Add employee</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@RemoveEmployee">Remove last employee</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@LoadNewData">Load new data</TelerikButton>
<TelerikGrid Data="@MyData" Height="400px"
Pageable="true" Sortable="true">
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Id))" Width="120px" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Name))" Title="Employee Name" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Team))" Title="Team" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.HireDate))" Title="Hire Date" />
@code {
void AddEmployee()
var x = MyData.Count + 1;
MyData.Add(new SampleData
Id = x,
Name = "name " + x,
Team = "team " + x % 5,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x).Date
MyData = new List<SampleData>(MyData);
void RemoveEmployee()
if (MyData.Count > 0)
MyData.RemoveAt(MyData.Count - 1);
MyData = new List<SampleData>(MyData);
void LoadNewData()
var newData = Enumerable.Range(6, 5).Select(x => new SampleData
Id = x,
Name = "name " + x,
Team = "team " + x % 5,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x).Date
MyData = new List<SampleData>(newData);
Console.WriteLine("New data collection loaded.");
public List<SampleData> MyData = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => new SampleData
Id = x,
Name = "name " + x,
Team = "team " + x % 5,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x).Date
public class SampleData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Team { get; set; }
public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
You can find some more explanations and examples for the Grid component in the Force a Grid to Refresh Knowledge Base article.
Call OnRead
If you are using the OnRead
event to optimize the data requests, you may want to call that to fetch fresh data from the server. The Grid does that automatically after the edit operations, yet you may need to do it on your own.
To make the Grid fire OnRead
, execute its SetStateAsync
Make the grid call OnRead by using its state
@using Telerik.DataSource.Extensions
<TelerikButton OnClick="@RefreshThroughState">Call OnRead to refresh Grid</TelerikButton>
<p>Monitor the <code>GeneratedAtMilliseconds</code> column values when you click the button</p>
<TelerikGrid TItem="@Employee"
@code {
//make the grid call OnRead to request data again
TelerikGrid<Employee> GridRef { get; set; }
async Task RefreshThroughState()
await GridRef.SetStateAsync(GridRef.GetState());
//basic data generation follows
public List<Employee> SourceData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
SourceData = GenerateData();
protected async Task ReadItems(GridReadEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine($"Fresh data requested at {DateTime.Now}");
// this is the standard data retrieval. Replace with your actual service
// see more at
// here we will regenerate the data to clearly show the Grid got new data
SourceData = GenerateData();
var datasourceResult = SourceData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);
args.Data = (datasourceResult.Data as IEnumerable<Employee>).ToList();
args.Total = datasourceResult.Total;
//This sample implements only reading of the data. To add the rest of the CRUD operations see
private List<Employee> GenerateData()
var result = new List<Employee>();
var rand = new Random();
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
result.Add(new Employee()
GeneratedAtMilliseconds = DateTime.Now.Millisecond,
ID = i,
Name = "Name " + i,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(rand.Next(-20, 20))
return result;
public class Employee
public int GeneratedAtMilliseconds { get; set; }
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
Entity Framework Data
When you use EF contexts to update your data, you may update or insert an item through the entity, but you may not see it updated in the grid. Code similar to the following may cause such behavior:
Updating an entity alone may not update the data in the grid
async Task UpdateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
using var dbContext = contextFactory.CreateDbContext();
MyModel item = (MyModel)args.Item;
var original = await dbContext.MyTable.FindAsync(item.Id);
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
The reason for such behavior is that the Data
collection of the grid is a separate in-memory copy of the database data, and the context will update only the database, not all in-memory copies.
This means that you need to ensure that the view-model will be updated as well, so that the Data
parameter of the grid changes too. There are, generally, two ways to do this:
Use the
event to perform the grid data operations - the grid will call it after the CUD events likeOnUpdate
and it will let you query the database that was already update (which will also bring in other updates that other uses may have made). -
Update the local view-model data yourself with the information the grid event gives you (e.g., insert the new item in it, or remove a deleted item, or update the fields of an edited item). You can find similar code used in the Grid - Inline Editing Live Demo.
- It is important to ensure the change happens on the object that the Grid uses. Methods like
will return a new reference and changing them will not trigger a UI update.
- It is important to ensure the change happens on the object that the Grid uses. Methods like