Blazor Sankey Overview

The Blazor Sankey diagram component allows you to visualize changing flows and their distribution between domains. Sankey diagrams suit a variety of use cases like the representation of website traffic, budget breakdowns, energy flow, and others.

ninja-iconThe Sankey component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.Start Free Trial

Creating Blazor Sankey Diagram

  1. Add the <TelerikSankey> tag to your razor page.
  2. Bind the Sankey Data - the Sankey diagram expects its data to have a specific structure and use specific object types.
  3. (Optional) Set the ColorType of the SankeyLinks.
  4. (Optional) Set Width and Height of the Sankey chart.

Sankey diagram with width, height and link colors based on the source nodes

<TelerikSankey Data="@Data"
    <SankeyLinks ColorType="@SankeyLinksColorType.Source" />

@code {
    private SankeyData? Data { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        var sourceNodes = 3;
        var destinationNodes = 3;

        Data = new SankeyData()
                Nodes = new SankeyDataNodes(),
                Links = new SankeyDataLinks()

        for (int i = 1; i <= sourceNodes + destinationNodes; i++)
            var nodeDescriptor = i <= sourceNodes ? "Source" : "Destination";
            Data.Nodes.Add(new SankeyDataNode() { Id = i, Label = new SankeyDataNodeLabel() { Text = $"{nodeDescriptor} {i}" } });

        for (int i = 1; i <= sourceNodes; i++)
            for (int j = sourceNodes + 1; j <= sourceNodes + destinationNodes; j++)
                Data.Links.Add(new SankeyDataLink()
                        SourceId = i,
                        TargetId = j,
                        Value = Random.Shared.Next(5, 30)

Data Members

The Sankey component uses three main building blocks for the visual data representation:

  • Nodes - rectangular elements that can be connected to each other.
  • Labels - the names of the nodes.
  • Links - the lines that connect the nodes to each other.

Data Binding

The Sankey Data accepts an object of type SankeyData that contains all the information for the nodes, links and labels. Read more about the data binding specifics in the Sankey diagram...


You can add a short description of the Sankey's purpose by using the <SankeyTitle> tag and the Text parameter. In addition, you can customize the appearance of the title through the dedicated parameters.


The Sankey chart shows a tooltip when the user hovers a node or a link that contains details for the hovered element. Use the Tooltip Templates if you want to customize their content and appearance.


By design, the Sankey renders a legend that illustrates the node details. You can customize the legend or remove it depending on the application needs.

Sankey Parameters

The Blazor Sankey diagram provides various parameters to configure the component. Also check the Sankey public API.

ParameterType and Default valueDescription
ClassstringRenders a custom CSS class on the <div class="k-sankey"> element.
DisableAutoLayoutbool?Whether the Sankey rearranges the nodes and their corresponding links for better visual appearance and readability. If set to true, the order of the nodes and links will be determined based on their order in the data collection.
WidthstringControls the width of the Sankey.
HeightstringControls the height of the Sankey.

Next Steps

See Also