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Sankey Diagram Events

This article explains the available events for the Telerik Sankey Diagram for Blazor:


The OnNodeClick event fires when the user clicks or taps a node. The OnNodeClick event handler receives an argument of type SankeyNodeClickEventArgs, which exposes the following properties:

DataItemSankeyDataNodeThe node that the user clicked. The SankeyDataNode provides details for the clicked node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset and alignment.


The OnNodeEnter event fires when the user hovers a node. The OnNodeEnter event handler receives an argument of type SankeyNodeEnterEventArgs, which exposes the following properties:

DataItemSankeyDataNodeThe node that the user hovered. Provides details for the node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset and alignment.


The OnNodeLeave event fires when the user exits the hover from a node. The OnNodeLeave event handler receives an argument of type SankeyNodeLeaveEventArgs, which exposes the following properties:

DataItemSankeyDataNodeThe node that the user hovered. Provides details for the node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset and alignment.


The OnLinkClick event fires when the user clicks a link. The OnLinkClick event handler receives an argument of type SankeyLinkClickEventArgs, which exposes the following properties:

SourceSankeyDataNodeThe source of the clicked link. Provides details for the source node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset, alignment and more.
TargetSankeyDataNodeThe target of the clicked link. Provides details for the target node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset, alignment and more.


The OnLinkEnter event fires when the user hovers a link. The OnLinkEnter event handler receives an argument of type SankeyLinkEnterEventArgs, which exposes the following properties:

SourceSankeyDataNodeThe source of the hovered link. Provides details for the source node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset, alignment and more.
TargetSankeyDataNodeThe target of the hovered link. Provides details for the target node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset, alignment and more.


The OnLinkLeave event fires when the user hovers a link. The OnLinkLeave event handler receives an argument of type SankeyLinkLeaveEventArgs, which exposes the following properties:

SourceSankeyDataNodeThe source of the link. Provides details for the source node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset, alignment and more.
TargetSankeyDataNodeThe target of the link. Provides details for the target node such as its label, opacity, color, width, offset, alignment and more.


Handling the Sankey diagram events

<div style="display:flex; justify-content:stretch">
    <TelerikSankey Data="@Data"
        <SankeyLinks ColorType="@SankeyLinksColorType.Source"></SankeyLinks>

    <div style="border:1px solid gray; margin-left:30px; width:400px; height:600px; overflow-y:auto;">
        <div style="display:flex; justify-content:space-between; align-items: baseline; padding:5px">
            <h3>Events log:</h3>
            <TelerikButton Icon="@SvgIcon.X" OnClick="@(()=> EventLog = string.Empty)">Clear log</TelerikButton>
        @(new MarkupString(EventLog))

@code {
    private SankeyData? Data { get; set; }
    private string EventLog { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    #region Event handlers

    private void OnNodeClick(SankeyNodeClickEventArgs args)
        var log = string.Empty;
        log += $"<div><code>OnNodeClick</code> event fired for node <strong>\"{args.DataItem.Label.Text}\"</strong></div>";


    private void OnNodeEnter(SankeyNodeEnterEventArgs args)
        var log = string.Empty;
        log += $"<div><code>OnNodeEnter</code> event fired for node <strong>\"{args.DataItem.Label.Text}\"</strong></div>";

    private void OnNodeLeave(SankeyNodeLeaveEventArgs args)
        var log = string.Empty;
        log += $"<div><code>OnNodeLeave</code> event fired for node <strong>\"{args.DataItem.Label.Text}\"</strong></div>";

    private void OnLinkClick(SankeyLinkClickEventArgs args)
        var log = string.Empty;
        log += "<div>";
        log += $"<div><code>OnLinkClick</code> event fired:</div>";
        log += $"<ul>";
        log += $"<li><strong>Link Source:</strong>{args.Source.Label.Text}</li>";
        log += $"<li><strong>Link Target:</strong> {args.Target.Label.Text}</li>";
        log += $"</ul>";
        log += "</div>";


    private void OnLinkEnter(SankeyLinkEnterEventArgs args)
        var log = string.Empty;
        log += "<div>";
        log += $"<div><code>OnLinkEnter</code> event fired:</div>";
        log += $"<ul>";
        log += $"<li><strong>Link Source:</strong>{args.Source.Label.Text}</li>";
        log += $"<li><strong>Link Target:</strong> {args.Target.Label.Text}</li>";
        log += $"</ul>";
        log += "</div>";


    private void OnLinkLeave(SankeyLinkLeaveEventArgs args)
        var log = string.Empty;
        log += "<div>";
        log += $"<div><code>OnLinkLeave</code> event fired:</div>";
        log += $"<ul>";
        log += $"<li><strong>Link Source:</strong>{args.Source.Label.Text}</li>";
        log += $"<li><strong>Link Target:</strong> {args.Target.Label.Text}</li>";
        log += $"</ul>";
        log += "</div>";


    private void LogToConsole(string text)
        EventLog = EventLog.Insert(0, text);

    #endregion  Event handlers

    #region Data generation

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        var sourceNodes = 3;
        var destinationNodes = 3;

        Data = new SankeyData()
                Nodes = new SankeyDataNodes(),
                Links = new SankeyDataLinks()

        for (int i = 1; i <= sourceNodes + destinationNodes; i++)
            var nodeDescriptor = i <= sourceNodes ? "Source" : "Destination";
            Data.Nodes.Add(new SankeyDataNode() { Id = i, Label = new SankeyDataNodeLabel() { Text = $"{nodeDescriptor} {i}" } });

        for (int i = 1; i <= sourceNodes; i++)
            for (int j = sourceNodes + 1; j <= sourceNodes + destinationNodes; j++)
                Data.Links.Add(new SankeyDataLink()
                        SourceId = i,
                        TargetId = j,
                        Value = Random.Shared.Next(5, 30)

    #endregion Data generation

See Also