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Sankey Nodes

The Sankey diagram Nodes are rectangular elements that are being connected. They can be source and target for the links. This article explains how to customize the nodes in the UI for Blazor Sankey diagram.

Each setting applies to all nodes in the Sankey diagram. If you want to provide different settings for the separate nodes, customize them through the data source.

Basic Customization

To customize the nodes, declare the <SankeyNodes> tag as a direct child of <TelerikSankey>. The <SankeyNodes> tag exposes the following parameters:

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
AlignSankeyNodesAlign enum
The nodes alignment.
Paddingdouble?The vertical space between the nodes.
The width of the nodes.

Nested Customization Tags

The <SankeyNodes> tag exposes a child <SankeyNodesOffset> tag that allows you to control the offset of the nodes from the <div class="k-sankey"> container. It provides the following parameters:

Leftdouble?The left offset of the node.
Topdouble?The top offset of the node.


Customizing the nodes in the Sankey diagram

<TelerikSankey Data="@Data"
    <SankeyNodes Align="SankeyNodesAlign.Left" Padding="40" Width="50">
        <SankeyNodesOffset Left="50" Top="50"></SankeyNodesOffset>

@code {
    private SankeyData? Data { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        var sourceNodes = 3;
        var destinationNodes = 3;

        Data = new SankeyData()
                Nodes = new SankeyDataNodes(),
                Links = new SankeyDataLinks()

        for (int i = 1; i <= sourceNodes + destinationNodes; i++)
            var nodeDescriptor = i <= sourceNodes ? "Source" : "Destination";
            Data.Nodes.Add(new SankeyDataNode() { Id = i, Label = new SankeyDataNodeLabel() { Text = $"{nodeDescriptor} {i}" } });

        for (int i = 1; i <= sourceNodes; i++)
            for (int j = sourceNodes + 1; j <= sourceNodes + destinationNodes; j++)
                Data.Links.Add(new SankeyDataLink()
                        SourceId = i,
                        TargetId = j,
                        Value = Random.Shared.Next(5, 30)

See Also