Retrieve filtered data from RadClientDataSource using RadGrid's event

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  1. 0FB9D9BC-DE82-4A54-A0D4-6034D3C617C0
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    Posted 17 Jan 2018 Link to this post


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    This sample describes the way to access the filtered results instead of the entire data when RadGrid is bound to RadClientDataSource. It could also be a viable workaround for the issue reported as Grid with RadClientDataSource sends two requests when navigating with Grid pager.

    Create a RadClientDataSource control and set its EnableServerFiltering property to True.
    <telerik:RadClientDataSource ID="RadClientDataSource1" runat="server" EnableServerFiltering="true">
            <WebServiceDataSourceSettings ServiceType="OData">
                <Select Url="" DataType="JSONP" />

    Create a RadGrid, set the ClientDataSourceID property's value to the ID of the RadClientDataSource created earlier and subscribe it to OnDataBound client event.
    <telerik:RadGrid ... ClientDataSourceID="RadClientDataSource1">
            <ClientEvents OnDataBound="gridBound" />

    JavaScript method to be executed when the OnDataBound event of RadGrid is fired.
    function gridBound(sender, args) {
        // access the DataSource object bound to grid
        var clientDataSource = $find(sender._clientDataSourceID);
        // Access the Kendo widget
        var widget = clientDataSource.get_kendoWidget();
        // Access the filtered data from the data source
        var result = widget._pristineData;
        // process the "result"

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