How to apply different styles to the items

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  1. 97AD96E1-EF11-4E30-BCDB-005E455D92B6
    97AD96E1-EF11-4E30-BCDB-005E455D92B6 avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Posted 09 Aug 2006 Link to this post


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    This project shows a menu with three root items, each of which has one child item. The project shows how to apply three different styles to each root menu item and its child item. Here are the steps:
    1. Set the Skin property of the to a random skin. The attached project used the Ivory skin.
    2. Define all custom classes inline in the head tag of the aspx page. Note that each class has to be preceded by .RadMenu_[skin] or .RadMenu_Ivory in our case. For example:
      .RadMenu_Ivory .Blue {...} .
    3. Use !important for those attributes that are defined in the css file of the skin as well. 
    4. Set the CssClass, ExpandedCssClass and FocussedCssClass to the corresponding custom classes.


    A similar topic about ASP.NET AJAX version of RadMenu you may find here.

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