Get RadSplitBar status, for server-side processing

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  1. 580CD692-028C-4E24-BE30-7082BF6FA598
    580CD692-028C-4E24-BE30-7082BF6FA598 avatar
    168 posts
    Member since:
    Nov 2006

    Posted 22 Dec 2006 Link to this post


    r.a.d.controls version

    RadSplitter 1.0.3    

    .NET version


    Visual Studio version


    programming language


    browser support

    all browsers supported by r.a.d.controls

    Here is away to determine the status of a RadPane/RadSplitBar, so you can process it server-side, like saving it to a database or cookie as a user preference.

    Step 1 - create a .aspx webpage
    Step 2 - Add a RadSplitter, with 2 RadPanes and 1 RadSplitBar
    Step 3 - Add two attributes to the first RadPane:



    Step 4 - Add a hidden form field control
    Step 5 - Add a button control
    Step 6 - Add a label control
    Step 7 - Add the javscript code that puts the status of the Splitter in the hidden field.
    Step 8 - Add some server-side code to the button_click event, that puts the value of the hidden field in the label control.

    Good luck!


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