Hello I just upgraded to version 2009, and in my previous version had this feature, and now no longer works, I need this functionality.
The CloseButton is null always.
what can I do?
function OpenWindow()
//Make sure to pass the correct window name as
//an argument when calling the ConfirmClose() function
function ConfirmClose(WinName)
var oManager = GetRadWindowManager();
var oWnd = oManager.GetWindowByName(WinName);
//Find the Close button on the page and attach to the
//onclick event
var CloseButton = document.getElementById("CloseButton" + oWnd.Id);// Dont work, CloseButton is null always??
CloseButton.onclick =
CurrentWinName = oWnd.Id;
//radconfirm is non-blocking, so you will need to provide a callback function
"Are you sure you want to close the window?", confirmCallBackFn);