Accessing persisted UploadedFiles-Property (RadAsyncUpload) during a Postback and making the control work if visibility is set to "false" (e.g. in a simple wizard)

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  1. B1ECF190-9457-41EF-BDDA-E9C8AB8DB9D0
    B1ECF190-9457-41EF-BDDA-E9C8AB8DB9D0 avatar
    3 posts
    Member since:
    Jun 2007

    Posted 04 Oct 2011 Link to this post


    RadControls version 2011.2.915.35
    .NET version 3.5
    Visual Studio version 2010
    programming language C#
    browser support

    all browsers supported by RadControls


    Original UseCase:
    I want to use your RadAsyncUpload in a standard ASP-Wizard. The Wizard contains two steps:
    1) Upload some Files (after the upload I want to extract some header-data)
    2) Edit the extracted header-data and visualize it when finish button is clicked

    I derived from the RadAsyncUpload and I found a way the play the ClientState after each postback and persist it in the viewstate (if the control is invisible).


    Jörg Metzler
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