Quickly add meaning to data with the most commonly used ASP.NET charting types:
Line series can have Spline or Step Line appearance:
Programmatically toggle the highlight effect of any series when needed, as for example to build effects or to let users trigger it with a click of a button. Check out how on the demo page (go to Series Settings and play with the highlights radio list).
The order of the items in the chart’s legend can be reversed if necessary. See more about the chart legend configuration options on the dedicated demo page.
You can modify the width, dash type, color and opacity settings of series borders and tooltips. The various options to configure how the chart border series work can be seen on the demo page (Series settings -> Borders section on the right).
The Area, Line, ScatterLine, PolarLine, PolarArea, RadarLine and RadarArea charts have a DashType property which controls how the chart lines, x and y axes and the major and minor grid lines will be rendered—solid, dashed or dotted.
Allow users to read the exact value of a data point centered at the current mouse position with the Crosshairs feature of the Chart.
Developers now have the ability to define axis label position in RadHtmlChart. With the ability to define label position, developers have the flexibility and ability to deliver an optimal UX with their ASP.NET AJAX Chart.
Data Navigation functionality lets you zoom and scroll data displayed over time. You can easily navigate price movements of financial instruments with Candlestick series, trends with Line series, and sets of data with Area and Column series.
Use just a few properties to bind the Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Chart to the data source that suits your project best, be it a declarative ASP.NET DataSource control, such as SqlDataSource, LinqDataSource, EntityDataSource, XmlDataSource, etc., or programmatically on demand to DataSet, DataTable, or any other custom object. Show additional fields in the tooltips or labels by defining your own client template.
You can also use a JSON string or an array of JSON objects to change the datasource of the control on the client.
The Telerik Charting component for ASP.NET AJAX is designed with ease of use in mind. The markup structure closely resembles the actual structure of a chart to make it more comfortable. Detailed customization is usually done with inner tags, which enables better feature separation instead of flooding one tag with a myriad of properties.
You can either use the automatic axis setup and layout adjustment to have the Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Chart decide how to best position its elements or take advantage of the built-in customization options for the axes, labels, tooltips, title, legend, etc. and quickly alter the alignment and appearance yourself.
You can also take advantage of the exposed color properties and set conditional formatting to your chart series.
When using the control in your apps, rest assured it behaves as expected and has a consistent look and feel in all browsers used.
Read the full list of supported browsersASP.NET AJAX Chart is rendered entirely through JavaScript, thus reducing the amount of work performed on the server. Instead of rendering the entire image on the server and sending its markup to the client, the engine sends only the serialized data, which ultimately boosts the performance of your application. The control is powered by Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), allowing animations and interactivity in modern browsers with a fallback to Vector Markup Language (VML) for older browsers.