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Binding to Table-Based DataSource Components

Table-based DataSource components, such as SqlDataSource and AccessDataSource can be used to bind the tab strip declaratively in design time. As with binding to a DataSet, DataTable, or DataView, you can use the ID-ParentID relation to establish a hierarchy among the tabs.

The Binding to a Data Source tutorial gives step-by-step instructions for binding RadTabStrip to an AccessDataSource .

To bind to a table-based DataSource component:

  1. Drag the DataSource component from the toolbox onto the same page as your RadTabStrip component.

  2. Configure the DataSource component to connect to the data.

  3. Set the DataSourceID property of your RadTabStrip to the ID of the DataSource component you added in step 1.

  4. Set the DataTextField, DataValueField, and DataNavigateUrlField properties to indicate the columns of the database table that supply values for the Text, Value, and NavigateUrl properties of tabs.

  5. Establish the tabstrip hierarchy by setting the DataFieldID property to the key field for records, and the DataFieldParentID property to the field that gives the key field value of the parent tab.

The ParentID of the root tabs must be null ( nothing ). If for some reason the data source comes without null values for the ParentID column, use a query that returns the expected value (null). For example: SELECT ID, Text, IF(ParentID = 0, NULL, ParentID) FROM tblDat

  1. Bind any additional properties of the tabs using the TabDataBound event:
void RadTabStrip1_TabDataBound( object sender, RadTabStripEventArgs e)
  e.Tab.ToolTip = "Read more about" + (string)DataBinder.Eval(e.Tab.DataItem, "Text");

The resulting declaration looks something like the following:

      DataFieldParentID ="parentID"
      DataNavigatUrlField ="target"
      OnTabDataBound ="RadTabStrip1_TabDataBound">
      ConnectionString ="Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=MyDB;server=(local)"
      SelectCommand="SELECT id, Targetname, target, tooltip, parentId from TabStripTable" /> 

See Also

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