TabDataBound occurs for each tab in the tab strip immediately after it is bound to a data source. This event only occurs when the application sets the DataSource property and calls the DataBind method explicitly, or when the DataSourceID property is set at design time. The event occurs immediately after the tab properties have been set to reflect the values in the data source.
The TabDataBound event handler receives two arguments:
The RadTabStrip to which the tab was just added. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadTabStrip type.
A RadTabStripEventArgs object. This object has an Tab property that you can use to access the tab that was just added. You can access the data item to which the tab has just been bound using its DataItem property. The value of DataItem should be cast to the type of items in the data source so that you can work with its fields appropriately.
The TabDataBound event handler is the only time when the DataItem property of a tab is set.
Use a TabDataBound event handler to initialize the properties of tabs to reflect values from the data source that are not automatically mapped using the DataTextField, DataValueField, and NavigateUrlField properties:
protected void RadTabStrip1_TabDataBound(object sender, RadTabStripEventArgs e)
DataRowView row = (DataRowView)e.Tab.DataItem;
e.Tab.Enabled = Boolean.Parse(row["Available"].ToString());
e.Tab.ToolTip = "Learn more about " + e.Tab.Text;