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Sending Additional Information to the Web Service

In our examples, the Web Service methods take SchedulerInfo as first parameter, but this can be replaced by any classimplementing ISchedulerInfo. This allows you to send additional information from the client to the web service.

Your ISchedulerInfo implementation must be deserializable by JavaScriptSerializer(ASP.NET AJAX Web Services) or DataContractSerializer(WCF Services).

  1. Create a custom ISchedulerInfo implementation by inheriting from SchedulerInfo:

     public class MySchedulerInfo : SchedulerInfo
        public string User { get; set; }
        public MySchedulerInfo(ISchedulerInfo baseInfo, string user)
     	   : base(baseInfo)
     	   User = user;
     	public MySchedulerInfo() {}
     Public Class MySchedulerInfo
      Inherits SchedulerInfo
      Public Property User() As String
        Return m_User
       End Get
        m_User = Value
       End Set
      End Property
      Private m_User As String
      Public Sub New(baseInfo As ISchedulerInfo, userParam As String)
       User = userParam
      End Sub
      Public Sub New()
     	End Sub
     End Class 
  2. Populate the MySchedulerInfo properties in one of the following client-side events:

    For example:

     function appointmentsPopulating(sender, eventArgs)
        eventArgs.get_schedulerInfo().User = "UserA";
  3. Change the corresponding Web Service method to take MySchedulerInfo as parameter:

     public IEnumerable<AppointmentData> GetAppointments(MySchedulerInfo schedulerInfo)
     	// Access schedulerInfo.User
     	return Controller.GetAppointments(schedulerInfo);
     Public Function GetAppointments(schedulerInfo As MySchedulerInfo) As IEnumerable(Of AppointmentData)
     	' Access schedulerInfo.User
     	Return Controller.GetAppointments(schedulerInfo)
     End Function

Note that the schedulerInfo will be forwarded to the underlying provider. In order to access it you mustimplement the provider methods that take ISchedulerInfo as parameter. These methods were introduced in the Q3 2010release. For more information see Sending additionalinformation to the provider.

See Also

In this article
See Also
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