Server Events Overview
For a detailed list with the server-side properties and methods of the control, see the Server-Side API of the RadScheduler class.
RadScheduler supports a number of server-side events that let you customize its behavior. These events are listed below:
AppointmentClick - occurs when the user clicks an appointment.
AppointmentCommand - occurs when the user clicks a button on the appointment template.
AppointmentInsert - occurs just before the scheduler calls the data source to insert an appointment.
AppointmentUpdate - occurs just before the scheduler calls the data source to update an appointment.
AppointmentDelete - occurs just before the scheduler calls the data source to delete an appointment.
AppointmentCreated - occurs when an appointment template is instantiated.
AppointmentDataBound - occurs when an appointment has been added to the Appointments collection from the data source.
AppointmentCancelingEdit - occurs when the user cancels from the in-line editor or the advanced edit form.
NavigationCommand - occurs when the user performs a navigation command.
NavigationComplete - occurs when a navigation action has been completed.
FormCreating - occurs when an edit form or the in-line editor is about to be created.
FormCreated - occurs when an edit form or the in-line editor has just been created.
RecurrenceExceptionCreated - occurs when the user creates an exception in a recurrent series.
TimeSlotCreated - occurs when a time slot is created.
ReminderSnooze - occurs when a reminder has been snoozed.
ReminderDismiss - occurs when a reminder has been dismissed.
ResourceHeaderCreated - complements the Resource Header templates