Events Overview
RadScheduler has a number of properties which value is the name of a JavaScript function that executes when specific client-side events occur. These events are listed below:
OnClientAppointmentClick - occurs when the user clicks an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentDoubleClick - occurs when the user double-clicks an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentDeleting - occurs when the user tries to delete an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentEditing - occurs immediately before an appointment is edited.
OnClientAppointmentInserting - occurs before an appointment is inserted.
OnClientAppointmentMoveStart - occurs when the user starts to move an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentMoving - occurs as the user is moving an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentMoveEnd - occurs when the user stops moving an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentResizeStart - occurs when the user starts resizing an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentResizing - occurs when the user moves the mouse while resizing an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentResizeEnd - occurs when the user releases the mouse after resizing an appointment.
OnClientAppointmentContextMenu - occurs when the user right-clicks on an appointment.
OnClientNavigationCommand - occurs when the scheduler is about to execute a navigation command.
OnClientNavigationComplete - occurs when a navigation command has been completed.
OnClientRecurrenceActionDialogShowing - occurs just before the dialog appears to ask whether the change the user just started on a recurring appointment is to affect the appointment itself or the entire series.
OnClientRecurrenceActionDialogClosed - occurs when the dialog that asks whether a change affects a single occurrence or an entire series closes.
OnClientTimeSlotClick - occurs when the user clicks on a time slot in the scheduler.
OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu - occurs when the user right-clicks on a time slot in the scheduler.
OnClientFormCreated - occurs when an in-line editor or edit form is about to appear.
Web Service binding specific events:
OnClientAppointmentsPopulating - occurs when the scheduler is about to request appointments.
OnClientAppointmentsPopulated - occurs when the scheduler has received appointments from the Web Service.
OnClientAppointmentDataBound - occurs when an appointment is received and is about to be rendered.
OnClientAppointmentSerialized - allows you to populate appointments with custom data before sending them to the Web Service
OnClientAppointmentCreated - occurs when an appointment is received and has been rendered.
OnClientResourcesPopulating - occurs when the scheduler is about to request resources.
OnClientResourcesPopulated - occurs when the scheduler has received resources.
OnClientDataBound - occurs when the scheduler has been populated with data.
OnClientRequestFailed - occurs when a request to the Web Service has failed.
OnClientRequestSuccess -occurs when when a request to the Web Service has succeeded.
OnClientAppointmentWebServiceInserting - occurs when an appointment is about to be stored via Web Service call.
OnClientAppointmentWebServiceDeleting - occurs when an appointment is about to be deleted via Web Service call.
OnClientAppointmentWebServiceUpdating - occurs when an appointment is about to be updated via Web Service call.
OnClientRecurrenceExceptionCreating - occurs when a recurrence exception is about to be created via Web Service call.
OnClientRecurrenceExceptionsRemoving - occurs when recurrence exceptions are about to be removed via Web Service call.
Reminder related events:
OnClientReminderTriggering -occurs when an appointment reminder is due and is about to be triggered.
OnClientReminderSnoozing - occurs when an appointment reminder is due and is about to be snoozed.
OnClientReminderDismissing - occurs when an appointment reminder is due and is about to be dismissed.
To use these events, simply write a JavaScript function that can be called when the event occurs. Then assign the name of the JavaScript function as the value of the the corresponding RadScheduler property.
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientAppointmentInserting(sender, eventArgs)
var now = new Date();
if (eventArgs.get_startTime() < now)
// #region client-side-programming-events_1
function onClickHandler1()
alert("First handler occurs");
function onClickHandler2()
alert("Second handler occurs");
function pageLoad()
var Scheduler = $find("<%= RadScheduler1.ClientID %>");
You can also assign event handlers in client-side code. When using the client-side API, pass a reference to the event handler rather than its name. One advantage of using the client-side API is that you can attach multiple event handlers to one event using the standard MS AJAX convention:
function onClickHandler1()
alert("First handler occurs");
function onClickHandler2()
alert("Second handler occurs");
function pageLoad()
var Scheduler = $find("<%= RadScheduler1.ClientID %>");
Another advantage of the client-side API is that you can detach an event handler dynamically:
function removeOnClick2()
var Scheduler = $find("<%= RadScheduler1.ClientID %>");
Note that on the client-side, the names of events are slightly different than on the server-side. The following table shows the correspondence between client-side and server-side names:
Server-Side Name | Client-Side Name | Methods to Add and Remove |
OnClientAppointmentClick | appointmentClick | add_appointmentClick, remove_appointmentClick |
OnClientAppointmentDoubleClick | appointmentDoubleClick | add_appointmentDoubleClick, remove_appointmentDoubleClick |
OnClientAppointmentDeleteing | appointmentDeleting | add_appointmentDeleting, remove_appointmentDeleting |
OnClientAppointmentEditing | appointmentEditing | add_appointmentEditing, remove_appointmentEditing |
OnClientAppointmentInserting | appointmentInserting | add_appointmentInserting, remove_appointmentInserting |
OnClientAppointmentMoveStart | appointmentMoveStart | add_appointmentMoveStart, remove_appointmentMoveStart |
OnClientAppointmentMoving | appointmentMoving | add_appointmentMoving, remove_appointmentMoving |
OnClientAppointmentMoveEnd | appointmentMoveEnd | add_appointmentMoveEnd, remove_appointmentMoveEnd |
OnClientAppointmentResizeStart | appointmentResizeStart | add_appointmentResizeStart, remove_appointmentResizeStart |
OnClientAppointmentResizing | appointmentResizing | add_appointmentResizing, remove_appointmentResizing |
OnClientAppointmentResizeEnd | appointmentResizeEnd | add_appointmentResizeEnd, remove_appointmentResizeEnd |
OnClientAppointmentContextMenu | appointmentContextMenu | add_appointmentContextMenu, remove_appointmentContextMenu |
OnClientTimeSlotClick | timeSlotClick | add_timeSlotClick, remove_timeSlotClick |
OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu | timeSlotContextMenu | add_timeSlotContextMenu, remove_timeSlotContextMenu |
OnClientRecurrenceActionDialogShowing | recurrenceActionDialogShowing | add_recurrenceActionDialogShowing, remove_recurrenceActionDialogShowing |
OnClientRecurrenceActionDialogClosed | recurrenceActionDialogClosed | add_recurrenceActionDialogClosed, remove_recurrenceActionDialogClosed |
OnClientFormCreated | formCreated | add_formCreated, remove_formCreated |
OnClientAppointmentsPopulating | appointmentsPopulating | add_appointmentsPopulating, remove_appointmentsPopulating |
OnClientAppointmentsPopulated | appointmentsPopulated | add_appointmentsPopulated, remove_appointmentsPopulated |
OnClientAppointmentDataBound | appointmentDataBound | add_appointmentDataBound, remove_appointmentDataBound |
OnClientAppointmentCreated | appointmentCreated | add_appointmentCreated, remove_appointmentCreated |
OnClientResourcesPopulating | resourcesPopulating | add_resourcesPopulating, remove_resourcesPopulating |
OnClientResourcesPopulated | resourcesPopulated | add_resourcesPopulated, remove_resourcesPopulated |
OnClientDataBound | dataBound | add_dataBound, remove_dataBound |
OnClientRequestFailed | requestFailed | add_requestFailed, remove_requestFailed |
OnClientAppointmentWebServiceInserting | appointmentWebServiceInserting | add_appointmentWebServiceInserting, remove_appointmentWebServiceInserting |
OnClientAppointmentWebServiceDeleting | appointmentWebServiceDeleting | add_appointmentWebServiceDeleting, remove_appointmentWebServiceDeleting |
OnClientAppointmentWebServiceUpdating | appointmentWebServiceUpdating | add_appointmentWebServiceUpdating, remove_appointmentWebServiceUpdating |
OnClientRecurrenceExceptionCreating | recurrenceExceptionCreating | add_recurrenceExceptionCreating, remove_recurrenceExceptionCreating |
OnClientRecurrenceExceptionsRemoving | recurrenceExceptionsRemoving | add_recurrenceExceptionsRemoving, remove_recurrenceExceptionsRemoving |