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SchedulerResourceCollection Object
The SchedulerResourceCollection client-side object represents a list of Resources defined in the Scheduler.
The tables below lists the most important methods of the SchedulerResourceCollection client-side object.
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_count() | None | Int | Gets the number of Resources in the collection. See Example 1. |
add() | Resource | None | Adds the specified Resource to the collection. See Example 1. |
clear() | None | None | Clears the collection of all Resources in it. |
forEach() | function | SchedulerResourceCollection | Gets the collection of all Resources. See Example 1. |
getResource() | Int | Resource | Gets the Resource at the specified index in the collection. |
getResourceByType() | String | Resource | Gets the Resource of a specified type in the collection. See Example 1. |
getResourcesByType() | String | SchedulerResourceCollection | Gets a list of all Resources of the specified type. |
getResourceByTypeAndKey() | String, String | Resource | Gets a Resources of the specified type and key. See Example 1. |
insert() | Int (index), Resource | None | Inserts the specified Resource at the specified index in the collection. |
remove() | Resource | None | Removes the specified Resource (if it exists) from the collection. |
removeAt() | Int | None | Removes the Resource at the specified index from the collection. |
Example 1: Update the appointment's resources.
function OnClientAppointmentClick(sender, args) {
var appointment = args.get_appointment();
var resources = appointment.get_resources();
resources.forEach(function (res) {
if (resources.get_count() != 0) {
sender.updateAppointment(appointment, false);
else {
//Find the resource corresponding to the clicked item
var room = sender.get_resources().getResourceByTypeAndKey("Room", "2");
//Add it to the appointment resources collection
sender.updateAppointment(appointment, false);