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SchedulerAppointmentCollection Object

The SchedulerAppointmentCollection client-side object represents a list of Appointments available in the Scheduler.

The tables below lists all public properties and the most important methods of the SchedulerAppointmentCollection client-side object.


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
get_count()NoneIntGets the number of Appointments in the collection.
add()AppointmentNoneAdds the specified Appointment to the collection.
clear()NoneNoneClears the collection of all Appointments in it.
findByID()IntAppointmentGets the Appointment with the specified ID in the collection. Returns null ifsuch an Appointment does not exist in the collection .
findByResource()ResourceAppointmentGets the Appointment with the specified Resource in the collection. Returns null if such an Appointmentdoes not exist in the collection .
getAppointment()IntAppointmentGets the Appointment at the specified index in the collection.
getAppointmentsInRange()Date (start Date), Date (end Date)SchedulerAppointmentCollectionGets a list of all Appointments in the specified range.
getAppointmentsStartingInRange()Date (start Date), Date (end Date)SchedulerAppointmentCollectionGets a list of all Appointments which start date is in the specified range.
indexOf()AppointmentIntGets the index of the specified Appointment in the collection. Returns -1 if the Appointment is not in the collection.
insert()Int (index), AppointmentNoneInserts the specified Appointment at the specified index in the collection.
remove()AppointmentNoneRemoves the specified Appointment from the collection.
removeAt()IntNoneRemoves the Appointment at the specified index from the collection.

See Also

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